what area would most likely experience the greatest amount of natural erosion? grassland forest coastline rainforest


Answer 1
Answer: The area that would most likely experience the greatest amount of natural emotion is the coastline. Coastal erosion is caused by strong waves which can be generated by storm, wind or fast moving boats. Coastal erosion wear away land and remove beach sediments which lead to losses of sediments and rock and temporary redistribution of coastline sediments.
Answer 2

Answer: Coastline

Explanation: edge 2020

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Professor Chapman is very friendly with her students, allowing them extra time on assignments and giving them the freedom to come late to class whenever they want. Dr. Weldon, on the other hand, is much stricter in the classroom. She does not accept late assignments, tells students "be on time or don't come to class," and at least two students got no credit on the term paper because they turned it in a day late. Both professors teach with the same quality but are different in their interactions with students. When evaluation time comes, students tend to give Dr. Weldon far lower marks because they dislike her, not because she is a bad teacher. This is an example of the __________ effect.



The correct answer is - This is an example of halo effect.


Halo effect is considered to be a cognitive bias in which we judge a person based on his behavior and character and make an impression in our mind about that person that the person is nice, good or bad.  

So it this case students have got a bad impression of Dr. Weldon because she does not accept late assignments, tells students "be on time or don't come to class," and at least two students got no credit on the term paper because they turned it in a day late.

So when evaluation time comes, students tend to give Dr. Weldon far lower marks because of the halo effect.


The Halo Effect.


She seems nicer, kids like her better. That's basically what it sums up to.

Hope this helps. :)

What base pairings normally occur during DNA replication


The base paring that occurs during DNA replication is Adenine to Thymine, Thymine to  Adenine, Cytosine to Guanine, Guanine  to Cytosine.

What base pairings normally occur during DNA replication?

During DNA replication, specific base pairings occur that ensure accurate and faithful duplication of the genetic information.

DNA consists of four nucleotide bases:

adenine (A),

thymine (T),

cytosine (C), and

guanine (G).

The base pairing rules are as follows:

Adenine (A) always pairs with Thymine (T).

Thymine (T) always pairs with Adenine (A).

Cytosine (C) always pairs with Guanine (G).

Guanine (G) always pairs with Cytosine (C).

Learn more about DNA replication here: brainly.com/question/21265857


Adenine to thymine and cytosine to guanine are the base pairings during DNA replication.

According to the big bang theory, how did the universe begin? what had to happen before atoms could form?Please help!


According to the big bang theory, the universe begin to form with the extremely hot and dense climate and cooled to give rise to the atoms and molecules which are the building blocks of living organisms.

What is Big bang theory?

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe was born during a period of inflation which began about 13.8 billion years ago. It was similar to a rapidly expanding balloon which swelled from a size smaller than an electron and changed to nearly the current size within a tiny fractions of a second.

In the Big Bang, initially the universe was extremely hot and dense. As the universe started cooling down, the conditions became favorable to synthesize the building blocks of matter such as the quarks and electrons, which made the living organisms.

Learn more about Big bang theory here:



According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe began when an explosion had occurred 15 billlion years ago. It consist of an explosion of space within itself. Unlike an explosion of bomb where fragments are thrown upward in the theory it was an exact opposite. Atoms formed when the matter and anti-matter were formed together after it has cooled down.

Phineas Gage was a foreman on a railroad crew who suffered brain damage in a blasting accident. After the accident, he lost interest in his job and had difficulty maintaining any goal-directed behaviors but was still able to function and lead a relatively normal life. The capacity of his brain area to take over the functions of the damaged brain areas is known as:


Brain Plasticity


The capacity of his brain area to take over the functions of the damaged brain areas is known as: Brain plasticity.

The frontal lobe of the brain is associated with the cognitive skills of man. His ability to think, memorize, recognize and decide depends on the frontal lobe responses. Located on the anterior part of the brain, the frontal lobe is more susceptible to injuries. Any injury to frontal lobe disturbs the normal cognitive behaviour and motor abilities. So, the changes in Phineas Gage's behavior indicates that the frontal lobe of his brain got injured.

But he could still lead a normal life with a bit of difficulties in work and behavior. This suggest that the functions of the frontal lobe has been taken over by some other part of the brain.

Biologists believe that a large number of species that are part of the rain forest ecosystem are on the verge of extinction. Which statement BEST describes the role of urbanization in this disaster?A) Urbanization leads to deforestation and loss of habitat for many species.
B) Many animals are captured or killed by poachers, significantly reducing their numbers.
C) Viral epidemics that break out in human populations spread to animals in the ecosystem.
D) Factories cause a significant rise in temperature in the forests, endangering many species.


Answer: A) Urbanization leads to deforestation and loss of habitat for many species.


Urbanization is the main reason for the exploitation of the rain forests which has lead to the extinction of species used to be residing in the forests ecosystems.  Following are the factors which are responsible for such disaster with the expension of urbanization:

1. Infrastructure: The land is the main requirement which is responsible for the exploitation of rain forests. The large area is required for the accommodation of  the large human population, construction of roads, highways and bridges. This has replaced many habit-ant animals from their native land and also leads to extinction due to ecological disturbance.

2. Increasing needs of food, herbs and wood: Many species of wooden trees could be found in the rain forests which have now extincted due to increasing demand for wood. The herbs have been wiped up for the preparation of medicines and drugs. The large number of tree populations are also exploited due to availability of fruits, and vegetables.

3. Wildlife trafficking and hunting: Some of the animal species have been included in the list of endangered species due to their use for commercial selling of horns, hives and other valuables.

answer A) Urbanization leads to deforestation...

Following replication of its DNA, each chromosome contains two _______ which are attached to each other by a centromere.


Replication is the process of central dogma that produces identical pair of DNA. Following replication, the chromosome contains two chromatids.

What are chromatids?

Chromatids are half of the duplicated chromosomes and are composed of DNA molecules. The two chromatids of the chromosome are attached centrally by a centromere.

They are also called sister chromatids and are found in the replicated chromosomes that are produced when the process of replication in the cell cycle phase occurs.

Therefore, there are two chromatids in each chromosome.

Learn more about chromatids here:



Chromatids. Two chromatids are bound together by a centromere to make a chromosome.