Which of the following groups did NOT migrate to the Americas for religious freedom?A. Puritans
B. Huguenots
C. Quakers
D. Acadians


Answer 1

European history affected immigration to the United States South, the factors affecting migration from the US, and the influences that affected movement within and out of the Southern states.

Contents [hide] 1 Religious Events in Europe Influenced the Religion of our Ancestors2 Colonization of the South by Ethnic Groups3 Settlement and Growth of Religious Groups4 Southern Migration Pathways5 Other Factors Influencing Migration in the South6 HomeworkReligious Events in Europe Influenced the Religion of our Ancestors

A. Events that led to various Jewish, Catholic, and Orthodox denominations in America.

B.C. Jews spread in Roman Empire, 300s Germany, 1096 East Europe313 Constantine allows Christianity in Rome―the Roman Catholic faith spreads330 He moves capitol to Constantinople―leads to Eastern Orthodox religion988 Vladimir I of Kiev officially adopts Christianity—starting Russian Orthodox Church

B. Events that led to various Protestant denominations in America.

1415 John Huss of Prague burned—leads to Moravians and Protestantism1453 Constantinople falls to Islam ; 1492 Spain expels Islam1525 First Lutheran ordination at Wittenberg Germany1531 Instead of Pope, King Gustav I appoints first Swedish Lutheran archbishop1532-1535 Műnster Germany Anabaptist Rebellion leads to Mennonites/Amish1534 Separation Act (Henry VIII turns England to Church of England/Episcopalian)1540 John Calvin’s Reformed Consistory (religious court) in Geneva Switzerland1559 first French Reformed (Huguenot) Synod formed in Paris1560 John Knox leads Scotland Parliament to embrace Calvinist Presbyterian Church1559-1625 Puritans push for radical anti-Catholic reform of Church of England1608 Pilgrims see no hope of reforming Church of England and move to Netherlands1648 England Quakers break off from Puritans

C. Europe's Religions in 1560 (at the dawn of the exploration and settlement of America).

Colonization of the South by Ethnic Groups

A. Early Colonization Failures (no known descendants stayed in America)

Spain (Catholic): Pensacola 1559, hurricane; Virginia Jesuits 1570, IndiansFrance: Huguenot 1564-1565 Jacksonville FL; Catholic 1598 Sable Is.; 1604 St Croix Is.Britain (Episcopalian): 1586 & 1587 Roanoke Island, NC, had disappeared by 1590

B. Early Colonization Successes (living descendants in America)

1519 map shows St. John to Maine seasonal fishing villages (unofficial colonies) (English, French, Portuguese); 1583 St. John Newfoundland became first official English colony1520-1521 Spanish (Roman Catholics) conquer Mexico. 1565 Spanish kill Huguenots and build St. 

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