You are visiting your Grandmother and notice that she is eating a balanced diet, taking vitamins, getting the proper amount of sleep and is not overweight. Despite her healthy lifestyle, she appears run down and tired. You realize that it's due to her lack of physical activity. Write a convincing letter to your grandma explaining the benefits of participating in regular physical activity. << Read Less


Answer 1

Dear Grandma,

There are so many things that I could say about you, and none of them would do you any justice. You’re the most incredible human being ever. I will never be able to fully put into words how much you mean to me, but I can go on for the rest of my life trying.

I visited you last time and noticed that you are eating a balanced diet, taking vitamins, getting the proper amount of sleep and not overweight. Despite your healthy lifestyle, you appeared run down and tired. I realized that it's due to your lack of physical activity.

Keeping up your healthy fashion conjointly means that maintaining physical exertion. Exercise helps manage your weight. It helps maintain it or helps you lose weight. despite the fact that having a healthy fashion, exercise conjointly helps battle the possibility of obtaining diseases and different sicknesses. Exercise will facilitate improve your energy state, similarly as ensuring you get the correct quantity of sleep. And besides these, exercise will cause you to feel nice normally, and facilitate improved your overall mood. 

I love you so much.

Yours forever,
Your favorite grandchild

Answer 2
Answer: Here I have some benefits for exercising! I don't really have time to write a letter, but if I give you the benefits, you can turn it into a letter using your own twist to it!:)


1.) Exercise controls weight

2.) Exercise combats health conditions and diseases.

3.) Exercise improves mood. *(you might not want to use this one because it might offend her:) )*

4.) Exercise boosts energy.

5.) All in all, it just makes you look really young, youthful, and healthy!:)

I hope you and your grandmother have an amazing week!:)


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The answer is A, ask if you need and explanation

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a virus is an infective agent that typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, is too small to be seen by light microscopy, and is able to multiply only within the living cells of a host.

a virus is a living thing, and it will die if it doesnt have a host.


In an episode of the classic 1950s television comedy The Honeymooners, Brooklyn bus driver Ralph Kramden loudly explains to his wife, Alice, “You know that I know how easy you get the virus.” Half a century ago even regular folks like the Kramdens had some knowledge of viruses—as microscopic bringers of disease. Yet it is almost certain that they did not know exactly what a virus was. They were, and are, not alone.


hope we can be friends

can i please get brainliest.

A contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles and tighten and squeeze the airway shut is known as a/an


A contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles and tighten and squeeze the airway shut is known as a bronchospasm.

What are the symptoms bronchospasm?

Bronchospasms occur when the muscles lining your bronchi airways in your lungs contract.

As a result, wheezing, coughing, and other symptoms occur. Bronchospasm can be caused by a variety of factors, including asthma, and is typically treated with bronchodilators.

Bronchialspasms typically occur suddenly. They can cause tightness in your chest, making it difficult to catch your breath.

One of the most common symptoms of a bronchial spasm is wheezing. When your bronchial tubes are constricted, you may also cough a lot.

Bronchospasm can occur whenever the person's airways are irritated or swollen. Bronchospasm is most commonly caused by asthma, but it can also be caused by a number of other factors, including: Infections of the lungs or airways caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

Thus, the answer is Bronchospasm.

For more details regarding Bronchospasm, visit:


It is called a bronchospasm.

Pick a stress in your life and describe how you would use visualization to reduce this particular stress


Well, depending on what you are stressed about: you can use visualization by thinking of the “finish line.” This method is used when you are dreading/stressed about something. Imagine the finish line, imagine that it will be over soon and you won’t have to worry about it anymore.

Write a brief history of the Zika Virus/Fever


Zika virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family and is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. It is related to other pathogenic vector borne flaviviruses including dengue, West-Nile and Japanese encephalitis viruses but produces a comparatively mild disease in humans. Since 2007 Zika virus has caused several outbreaks in the Pacific, and since 2015 it further spread in the Americas. These were the first documented transmissions outside of its traditional endemic areas in Africa and Asia. Zika virus is considered an emerging infectious disease with the potential to spread to new areas where the Aedes mosquito vector is present. There is no evidence of transmission Zika virus in Europe to date 

( I need a long detailed answer.) "What challenges might a vegan or vegetarian restaurant face when it comes to stocks and sauces that a non-vegan or non-vegetarian restaurant would not? How can these challenges be overcome? Do you believe that vegan or vegetarian stock, soup, or sauce can compete with stock, soup, or sauce made with animal parts? Explain."



1- There are several challenges that a vegetarian restaurant might face unlike a non vegetarian restaurant. These are mentioned below;

  • They may loose market for the non vegetarian customers.
  • They have to be extra creative with their dishes to make them taste and look tempting.
  • The variety of ingredients that they can make use of while cooking meals is reduced considerably, since they can not make use of anything that comes from animals.

2- Following are some of the ways through which vegan restaurants can get over these challenges;

  • Vegetarian restaurants can offer something for the non vegetarian customers as well to cover the entire consumer base.
  • They can come up with interesting and new recipes utilizing the vast variety of fruits and vegetables available in the market.
  • They can hire specialized vegan chefs to increase the vegan menu.
  • Since they cannot use anything that comes from animals, they can use vegan products to replicate the same flavor. For example, watermelon steaks replicate a beef steak in looks and in flavor.

3- There is no comparison between the stocks and sauces that are made from simmering body parts of animals like bones and meat scrap, and stocks that are made from vegetables. But if certain vegetables and spices are simmered together, they can replicate the flavor quite closely.

The trick is to use the right combination of vegetables and spices for the desired result. For example vegetables like onions, carrots, celery stalks, sprigs, fresh thyme, bay leaf, small bunch fresh parsley, black peppercorns and etc make a mouth watering broth and soup base.