Which parts of this excerpt from Beowulf denotes the importance of kinship and lineage?I have been strand-guard, standing as warden,
Lest enemies ever anywise ravage
Danish dominions with army of wars-ships.
More boldly never have warriors ventured

Hither to come; of kinsmen's approval,
Word-leave of warriors, I ween that ye surely
Nothing have known. Never a greater one
Of earls o'er the earth have I had a sight of
Than is one of your number, a hero in armor;

No low-ranking fellow adorned with his weapons,
But launching them little, unless looks are deceiving,
And striking appearance. Ere ye pass on your journey
As treacherous spies to the land of the Scoldings
And farther fare, I fully must know now

What race ye belong to. Ye far-away dwellers,
Sea-faring sailors, my simple opinion
Hear ye and hearken: haste is most fitting
Plainly to tell me what place ye are come from."


Answer 1


1. kinsmen's approval, Word-leave of warriors,

2. What race ye belong to.


In my question it asked for the 2 verses that denotes kinship and lineage. These are the two lines that do that. I don't know which I would choose if it only wanted 1.

Answer 2
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "a. kinsmen's approval, Word-leave of warriors." The parts of this excerpt from Beowulf denotes the importance of kinship and lineage is that kinsmen's approval, Word-leave of warriors.

Here are the following choices:
a. kinsmen's approval, Word-leave of warriors
b.Nothing have known. Never a greater one Of earls o’er the earth have I had a sight of
c.And striking appearance.
d.What race ye belong to.

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The correct answer to the word being asked for is:

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