Read the passage from "The Lady or the Tiger":... and if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot, whether he liked it or not.

What is ironic about this statement?

A. It's possible to dislike being rewarded for innocence

B. The prisoner always likes being rewarded, because the reward is a beautiful woman
C. the definition of a reward is something that is liked and appreciated


Answer 1

I believe the answer is A! Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. In this instance, a reward in most peoples opinions is good and the statement suggests otherwise.

Answer 2


the other guy is incorrect the answer is c


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1. Ana did not pass the course but she was still proud of herself.

2. When I visited the White House I met Donald Trump but unfortunately I couldn’t approach him because of his body guards.

3. We went to the basketball game and witnessed our team lose.

4. Susan will not attend the meeting due to a family emergency.

5. Because I forgot my keys I was late to my interview.

6. Although Dora bought a new dress she forgot to purchase her jewelry.

7. Since you were absent from class for two weeks you have 1 week to make all this up.

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D - "A river" "is called" - the only one that has the right verb for the subject.

A - "The time" "seem" - nope
B - "This map" "show" - nope
C - "The waters" "contains" - nope

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The author left the ending vague on purpose. What do you think happens to Jonas and Gabriel at the end of the novel? Write a paragraph and use details from the text to support your answer.



The author doesn't tell us what the real ending of the story is.  It is possible that when Lowry wrote The Giver, she had a sequel in mind.  Leaving the ending of this book ambiguous would encourage readers to purchase the sequel.  You can read Gathering Blue and Messenger, which were written as companion books to The Giver and will give you more information.

Going on just what the book says, there are two conclusions you could reach.

First, Jonas and Gabriel die.  The book makes it clear that they are slowly freezing to death.  They are weak, hungry and tired.  The book also says that Jonas uses his last little bit of strength to find the sled waiting for him at the top of the hill.  They sled down the hill to "Elsewhere", perhaps an afterlife of some kind that follows death.  This could be why Jonas heard music as he slowly slipped down the hill.  In addition, the Giver was transmitting memories to Jonas before he died, giving the idea that if the Giver died before they were transmitted, they would be lost forever or else freed and allowed to enter the minds of the people.  Jonas, now, being the new keeper of the memories, would release those memories when he died.  This could be why he also heard singing behind him - as he slipped away, his friends and family received the memories he had carried and were freed from the austere existence they had experienced.

Second, Jonas and Gabriel find "Elsewhere", an unexplained real and literal place.  This is supported by the fact that there is a sled waiting for them, apparently placed there by people who are hoping he will find it and use it.  It would only stand to reason that if they placed it there for Jonas, they would be waiting for him at the bottom of the hill.  This is confirmed near the end of the chapter when it says that he knew they were waiting for him and the baby.  The book also supports this idea because he heard music and saw lights and warmth coming from Elsewhere, indicating that there is life and emotion there.  There is also the possibility that his leaving freed the residents of his home town and enabled them to have memory, which is why he heard them singing behind him.

I would suggest that the author wanted you to come to your own conclusions, so she intentionally left it very ambiguous.  Reading the two companion books mentioned above would help if you simply can't stand ambiguous endings (like me!).  


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i might not be 100℅ right. But possibly Establish or Orginate for found.

And i couldnt find very strong words for come back, but returned. As for working outside is unknown for me. Hope this helps!
working outside: gardening, busy, extra time, recess
found: discovered, initiate, located, happened upon,searched out, develop
come back: regret, flashback, bounce
(different meanings beacause of verb, noun, etc.)
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Most people have never heard of the instrument called the marimba. It is played in many countries around the world. The marimba is a percussion instrument, a type of xylophone nearly ten feet long. The forerunner of the modern marimba comes from Guatemala. The instrument, however, is even older in its origins, which are thought to be Mayan. The marimba consists of a set of wooden keys or bars that are hit with two or more mallets to make musical sounds. Some pieces of music require the use of up to six mallets. The instrument slightly resembles a piano, but the musician plays the marimba standing up instead of sitting down. The marimba is not special because of its wooden bars. Instead, resonators, the metal tubes that hang beneath each bar, are what make the marimba unique. They are made in different lengths and produce different sounds and tones. Some resonators are made of aluminum, but brass is preferred. Resonators were originally made of hollowed-out gourds. The mallets also make a great difference in the quality of the sound. Softer mallets are used for the low notes. Harder mallets are used for the high notes. It takes a great deal of skill to handle multiple mallets, two or three in each hand. Some musicians have developed special grips to help them control the mallets as they play. One of these, the Stevens method, uses four mallets, two in each hand. The grip involves holding one of the mallets with the ring and pinky fingers while the other is controlled between the thumb and the middle finger. 8 What can the reader infer from this article? A. A musician needs quick hands to be a good marimba player. B. The mallets used to play the marimba are usually made of brass. C. The marimba is a member of the strings section of the orchestra. D. Playing the marimba requires a minimum of two musicians.