A period of reassessment in a person's life that may result in a positive change, such as a new hobby or career.a. midlife crisis
c. midlife transition
b. menopause
d. empty nest


Answer 1
Answer: A period of reassessment in a person's life that may result in a positive change, such as a new hobby or career is known as midlife crisis. Usually men buy a new car, or women start doing some hobbies they would never do before.
Answer 2



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Answer is He cannot get from the mediator copies of documents or accounts of what was said because of the confidential nature of mediation proceedings.

Refer below.


Sexual Harassment ADR. Jenny is very angry with her supervisor, Sleaze, at the Mexican fast-food restaurant at which she works which is owned by an international company located in Mexico. He has been making inappropriate sexual comments to her and other employees. Jenny decides to sue and retains a lawyer, Brice. Brice talks with the owners of the restaurant and is informed that Jenny signed an agreement to arbitrate any claims. Brice tells Jenny that it is completely up to her and that if she wishes, she can disregard the arbitration agreement and proceed to court. Jenny informed Brice about other employees who had complained about sexual harassment and entered into mediation agreements. Brice promises her that he will get copies of all documents and everything that was taken down by the court reporter at those mediations. He also tells Jenny in response to her question about the possibility of mediation in her case to forget it because mediation is pretty much the same thing as arbitration. Brice obtain information from the previous mediators regarding what occurred at the previous mediations:

He cannot get from the mediator copies of documents or accounts of what was said because of the confidential nature of mediation proceedings.

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South America is the continent that lies south of  North America.