What effect did the black death have on medieval EuropeA)It led the Social upheaval & helped end the social order of the manor system
B)It caused the great schism in the roman catholic church
C) it led to the crusades & the spread of new ideas
D) It closed down all trade routes in Asia

How did the Magna Carta put limits on the power of England's monarchy
A) It created the estates general
B) It said that the people had rights even kings must respect
C) it gave common people the right to vote
D) it established a republic

15 points for 2 questions plss help
Brainliest is both correct!


Answer 1

This is Just to give him brainliest answer. And also he helped me too and is correct.

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Genocide still happens in Sudan, specifically in the region called Darfur.


Darfur is a region located in the extreme west of the Republic of Sudan, which is divided into three states, called western Darfur, southern Darfur and northern Darfur.

In February 2003, a conflict broke out in Darfur, the starting point of the offensive was the rebels fighting for the separation of their territory, they said that the government to which they were subordinate acted representing only the elite of Islamic religion,  and on the other hand, the government treated the people of Darfur with carelessness, that is, they were set aside. Darfur is composed almost entirely of blacks, with economic activity linked to subsistence farming and a restricted portion of nomads that raise animals.

The Sudanese government has violently and repressively responded to the offensive of the separatist rebels, supported by the militia of the Arabs who inhabited the place and who were called janjaweed, the government hoped to wipe out rebels who were of different religions and ethnicities.

The United Nations says at least 300,000 people have died and more than 2.5 million men, women and children have been forced to leave their homes since the conflict began.  Some refugees claim that prior to the attacks in which Janjaweed militias killed men and raped women, there were air raids.  It is then that the United States refers to the existence of “genocide” in the region.

Which of the following statements best describes the use of the term “new world”? A. "New world" referred to the expanded understanding of the Earth''s landmasses as a result of Magellan''s expedition. B. "New world" is how Europeans of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries referred to the continents of North and South America. C. "New world" is the term given to Spanish culture by the civilizations of North and South America.


I would also have to say the answer is B. "New World" is how Europeans of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries referred to the contents of North and South America.

Because the land that Christopher Columbus landed on was only inhabited by Indians (not from India), they called the new territory the new world. They had "accidently" discovered land that they didn't know existed.

Hopefully this helps. 

B, The Europeans described the America's as this New world because of it previously not being discovered, due to the trade routes they had set up to get to the indies. Previously I wrote C, misreading the answer and thinking that it was what the spanish culture gave to them, not what they gave to the spanish culture.


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B) Yes, but it is inferred
C) No, but it could be argued
D) No, there is no such phrasing
E) Trick question!





In the first amendment the only thing it says about religion is that you have the freedom to practice whatever religion you want.

which group sharply critized the Weimer Republic as too weak and longed for another strong leader like Bismarck?


Many people on the right wing criticized the weak government. Namely, veterans of the First World War were nostalgic of the prestige the German government once had before the war. These war veterans were the supporters of the Fascist Adolf Hitler whose main propaganda point was to strengthen the government to the power it once had.

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Child labor laws is one of the ways.