How did fear of communism affect American society during the 1950's?


Answer 1
Answer: People stopped wearing the color red. The fear of communism was called the Red scare. That's just one simple reason
Answer 2
Answer: It made Americans respect the Republic government they had. 

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1. Kill Devil Hills
2. Roanoke Island
3. Ocrecoke 
4. Mt. Minse
5. The Outer Banks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Do you think that election by lottery was a wise practice by the Athenians? Explain.


I relatively think so.

True democracy is one in which everyone has the same opportunities to be defined as the representative of the people. In this context, the draw seems to be the most effective way to maintain the level playing field, since it discards any kind of economic and ideological influence. Not at all, Montesquieu (1746) and other thinkers suggest that the method of choosing lottery rulers would represent the true nature of democracy.

The logic behind the draw process comes directly from the idea that power corrupts, which makes sense when analyzing the current political landscape of various countries. However, the applicability of a lottery system should be widely discussed, but it does not seem reasonable for the present, but that makes sense, it does.

No, because that didn't let the citizens chose who their leader was and it was probably easy to rig, or unfairly win. 

Does most of California's major geological features formed as the result of hot spots?


Yes i believe the heat dries out the land and makes it a hot spot