One of the first steps toward currently accepted theories of our Solar System's formation and evolution was the general acceptance of the ______________ model, which placed the Sun at the center of the system and the Earth in orbit around it. This theory was prominently presented by ______________.


Answer 1

The first blank can be filled with the Heliocentric model, and the second blank can be filled with Copernicus.  

The heliocentric model known as heliocentrism was proposed by the Renaissance astronomer, mathematician, and the Catholic cleric Nicolaus Copernicus resulting in the Copernican revolution.  

It is the astronomical model, in which the planets and the Earth revolve around the Sun positioned at the middle of the Solar system. Factually, the heliocentric model was in contrast to geocentrism, in which Earth is positioned at the center of the Solar system.  

Answer 2


Heliocentric, Nicolaus Copernicus


I got the answer from USATestprep

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A similarity between the separation of powers the system of checks and balances and federalism is


Hi There! :)

A similarity between the separation of powers the system of checks and balances and federalism is?

A similarity between the separation of powers, the system of checks and balances, and federalism is that they all are meant to keep the federal government from becoming too powerful and tyrannical. 


Federalism and Separation of Powers policies seek for decentralised the power and avoid tyranny.


Separation of Powers, according to Montesquieu, is a policy that allow the country to have democracy, because this separation is constituted by three main autonomous powers: judicial, executive and legislative. Each institution can judge others, so this way whole nation power is not concentrated in one point.

In this way, Federalism is alike, because this policy is about having a central government (Federal), and regional governments (States) in a whole political system. So, each regional government has their own rules and freedom to their jurisdiction.

How many grams of the molecule (C2H4O2) would be required to make 1 L of a 0.5 M solution of the molecule? (Carbon = 12, Oxygen = 16, Hydrogen = 1)(A) 16
(B) 100
(C) 15
(D) 25
(E) 30


MC₂H₄O₂ = 2 * 12 g/mol + 4 * 1 g/mol + 2 * 16 g/mol = 60 g/mol

c = 0.5 mol/L

V = 1 L

n = c * V

n = 0.5 mol/L * 1 L = 0.5 mol

m = n * M

m = 0.5 mol * 60 g/mol = 30 g/mol

answer E


A scientist tests a new cough medicine by giving it to a group who have colds. The scientist gives another group with colds a liquid and tells them it is cough medicine. The people in both group are women between the age of 20 and 30 who normally are in good health


Here's your asnwer.



posible mente es una equivocacion porque dijo que estaban refriados y les dió una medicina para la tos

N2 + 3H2 Right arrow. 2NH3 What is the percent yield of NH3 if the reaction of 26.3 g of H2 produces 79.0 g of NH3? Use Percent yield equals StartFraction actual yield over theoretical yield EndFraction times 100..





N₂ + 3H₂ → 2NH₃

Given that:

26.3 g of H₂ react with N₂ to produce 79.0 g of NH₃


The number of moles of H₂ = 26.3g of H₂ * (1 mol of H₂/ 2.02g of H₂)

= 13.05 mol of H₂

The number of moles of NH₃ = 13.05 mol of H₂ * ( 2mol of NH₃/ 3 mol of H₂)

= 8.697 mol of NH₃

The mass of NH₃ = 8.697 mol of NH₃ *( 17.04g of NH₃/ 1 mol of NH₃) = 148.1 g of NH₃

The percent yield = actual yield/ theoretical yield * 100%

The percent yield = ( 79.0 g/ 148.1 g )* 100%

The percent yield ≅ 53.4 %




Which formula represents a polar molecule?
(1) Br2 (3) CH4
(2) CO2 (4) NH3


\boxed{\left( 4 \right){\text{ N}}{{\text{H}}_{\text{3}}}} represents a polar molecule.

Further Explanation:

The attraction between atoms, molecules or ions responsible for the formation of chemical compounds is a chemical bond. It is formed either due to electrostatic forces or by the sharing of electrons.

The bond that results from the complete transference of electrons between metals and non-metals is an ionic bond. Metals, being electropositive in nature, have the tendency to lose electrons whereas non-metals tend to gain electrons due to their high electronegativity. Cations are formed by metal atoms while non-metals form anions with the gain of electrons.

The bond formed by mutual sharing of electrons between bonded atoms is a covalent bond. Such bonds usually exist between two or more non-metals.

The polarity of a bond depends on the electronegativity difference between the bonded atoms. The more electronegative atom will attract electrons more towards itself, thereby developing negative charge on itself and leaving the less electronegative atom with positive charge. Symmetry also plays an important role to determine whether a molecule will be polar or not. If symmetry is present in a molecule it will be non-polar, even there is an electronegativity difference between the bonded atoms.


This is formed by the combination of two Br atoms so there is no electronegativity difference between the bonded atoms and therefore this molecule is non-polar in nature (For structure, refer to the attached image).

(2) {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}  

This molecule is composed of one carbon and two oxygen atoms but is symmetrical in nature so dipole moment gets cancelled out and therefore {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}  is non-polar in nature (For structure, refer to the attached image).


This molecule consists of one carbon and four hydrogen atoms but is symmetrical in nature so dipole moment gets cancelled out and therefore {\text{C}}{{\text{H}}_{\text{4}}} is non-polar in nature (For structure, refer to the attached image).



This molecule is composed of one nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms. But N is more electronegative than H so this is polar molecular due to electronegativity difference. Also, this is unsymmetrical molecule (For structure, refer to the attached image) and therefore it is polar in nature.

Learn more:

  1. Identification of ionic bonding:
  2. Which is a covalent compound?

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Ionic and covalent compounds

Keywords: polar, non-polar, CH4, CO2, Br2, NH3, symmetrical, dipole moment, chemical bond, ionic bond, covalent bond.


NH3 is an asymmetrical molecule with a pyramidal shape.

How does the hydrogen atom produce light


when energy is put into an atom, the electrons can use the energy to go to a higher energy state (n value) which is called an exited state.  when the electron goes back down to where it started (called the ground state) it releases the energy it gained in the form of a photon which is why it produces light.  
A common way to get hydrogen gas to produce light is by passing an electric current through the sample.