Why was switching from chains to cables in the building of roller coasters important?


Answer 1
Answer: Switching from chains to cables in the building of roller coasters was important because cables are less likely to snap when hauling several tons of roller coaster cars full of people. Chains are made of linked, welded pieces of metal that can easily snap if they pull too much. Cables, while they can snap, are much less likely to do so, because they're a stretch of fibers, be it metal or other, without any potential weak spots.

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Is this thesis statement grammatically correct? Does it flow well? Correct it if not please. Despite the slum being constantly saturated with violence, the most meaningful theme in “La Limonada” is hope, because it continued to motivate Jonathan Orozco during painful and dark times and the love from his mother sustained his hope.


Everything is correct in the thesis statement with well written topics. You did a really good job on also making it informational. This also helps you do well in the writing process for your assignment. Good Job! :)

Turner is in conflict with her father because


Turner is in conflict because the reverend is in conflict

Miguel is a hardworking boy around the age of seventeen. He is originally from Mexico and has been living in the United States for four years. He is able to understand English, however always writes in Spanish. He has seen an American flag, but couldn’t tell you much about it. He also can sing the national anthem, but doesn't understand the lyrics. Can Miguel become an American citizen if he applies for citizenship tomorrow? Devise a plan to help Miguel earn his citizenship in the United States.



Miguel can't become a citizen yet. There are a number of reasons for this:

1) he's not 18 yet; he has to wait until he is 18

2) he hasn't lived in the US for 5 years (but if he waits till he's 18, will will have, so both these conditions get fullfilled at the same time)

3) he must speak English: pass an English test.

I would recommend that Miguel spends the next year practicing his English speaking and writing, this is the most important!

4) he must understand US history and government structure: this is another thing that he must do.

this means he cant become a citizen


In order to be a U.S citizen, you would have to be at least 18 years old and be a permanent resident for at least 5 years. 

Which words in the sentence make up the adjective phrase? The cricket beneath my window is singing its evening song.


Singing it's evening song

What is the author’s purpose in "Save the Coral Reefs”? Check all that apply.to convince readers that practices that destroy coral reefs must be stopped

to entertain readers with a dramatic tale about the destruction of coral reefs

to inform readers about how the coral reefs are being destroyed

to inform readers about which fishing companies damage the coral reefs the most

to persuade readers to try scuba diving before the coral reefs are destroyed


to inform readers about how the coral reefs are being destroyed


The answer is A) to convince readers that practices that destroy coral reefs must be stopped.

and C) to inform readers about how the coral reefs are being destroyed .


Does it make sense if say “petty poisonous poetry?”


It depends on the context but that's a killer alliteration *applause*.