Explain 5 characteristics of a buoyant economy


Answer 1

The 5 characteristics of a Buoyant Economy are :

- This time of economy is characterized by being prosperous, which is going well.

- This economy is successful because there is a lot of trade and economic activity.

- Another feature is that most people feel that their economic circumstances are safer and that their income increases.

- The measurable attributes of a Buoyant Economy include: Real increases in per capita because it is not the amount of wealth, or level of income, that makes an aconomy stay on the rise, it is the growth of real income per capita.

- Finally, a Buoyant Economy is increasing employment and unemployment rates are falling.

Answer 2
Answer: It is a economy, it is useful, it can help people, it does have something in it, and it has power. Hope that this helps you...

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5 character of buoyant economy


The rise and fall of a good's price is equivalent to the indications of the demand. 

In an economy where competition is prevalent, the one that will decide what products a business will produce or what services a business will serve are the consumers. If there is a demand for a certain product, then the producers will produce a supply. So if there is a certain demand for a product, several businesses will try to provide the best one so that they can get the consumers to buy from them. Since the businesses are trying to outdo each other, they will not stop improving their products or services. 

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The capital of Mississippi is the city of Jackson. Hope i helped you with your question! Have a good day! =)




Based on the data in this table, young voters were least likely to have cast a ballot in the2000 presidential election
2004 presidential election
2002 midterm election
2006 midterm election


I had to look for the table attached to this question, and here is my answer:

Based on the table illustrated, the election wherein young voters are least likely to have cast a ballot is in the 2002 midterm election. The 2002 midterm election only has a total of 8.9 million votes out of 39.6 eligible voters. The answer for this would be the third option.

2002 midterm election is the correct answer

A strong emotional response is better than logical reasoning because the other party involved will see how passionate you really are about the topic.a. True
b. False


That statement is false.

A certain of level of emotional reponse would definitely help your argument because it would make the audiences able to relate to you and increase the likelihood of them giving their support to you.

But, it is not better than logical reasoning because if your emotional response does not followed by factual data and logical thinking, you would be seen as incompetent and unstable.
No, this is false!

A rational response is good in most places: it will enable the most effective answer because this answer will be well -thought of and you will probably not regret it.

However, you might regret your emotional response because it won't be well thought-of

In _______ countries, population growth rates are low, but the number of resources used per person is extremely high.


Answer: Developed


Developed countries tend to have a lower fertility rate due to lifestyle choices associated with economic affluence where mortality rates are low, birth control is easily accessible and children often can become an economic drain caused by housing, education costs and other cost involved in bringing up children (medical expenses, the time that has to be invested in bringing up children etc.).

People understand the costs of raising a child and therefore choose not to reproduce thus contributing to the low population growth.

Final answer:

Economically developed or high-income countries like France, Germany, Italy, and Japan have lower population growth rates but high resource usage per person due to their higher living standards and reliance on technology.


The answer to the question, "In _______ countries, population growth rates are low, but the number of resources used per person is extremely high." is economically developed countries. These countries, also known as high-income countries, often have lower population growth rates. This is due to a variety of factors including higher living standards, accessibility to education, and effective healthcare systems which contribute to lower fertility rates. However, these countries tend to have a high consumption of resources per individual due to their lifestyle and heavy reliance on technology.

Examples of such countries include France, Germany, Italy, and Japan. These countries have seen slower GDP growth rates compared to middle and low income countries like China and India which have faster growth rates.

Learn more about Economically Developed Countries here:



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The correct answer will be "Cultural change".


  • Cultural change seems to be a concept used throughout national administration attempting to make that illustrates ethnic capital's influence on an individual's and community's behavior.
  • This emphasizes either the causal factors of an organization to take for historical and psychological resources as well as how they communicate with several other considerations, such as the accessibility of knowledge or even the investment opportunities that individuals face to influence behavior.