Where in a star does fusion occur


Answer 1

Stars are powered by nuclear fusion in their cores, mostly converting hydrogen into helium. The production of new elements via nuclear reactions is called nucleosynthesis. A star's mass determines what other type of nucleosynthesis occurs in its core (or during explosive changes in its life cycle).

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The lithosphere is made up of the ____


The lithosphere is Earth's outermost layer

Final answer:

The lithosphere is made up of the Earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle. It is responsible for the formation of landforms like mountains and plateaus.


The lithosphere is made up of the Earth's crust and the upper part of the mantle. The Earth's crust is divided into several tectonic plates that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere underneath. This rigid lithosphere is responsible for the formation of landforms like mountains, valleys, and plateaus.

Learn more about Lithosphere here:



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120 J


KE = mv²/2 = (0.15 kg * [40 m/s]²)/2 = 120 J


120 J


KE = 1/2 mv²

KE = 1/2 (0.15)(40)²

KE = 1/2 (0.15)(1600)

KE = 1/2 (240)

KE = 120 J

What types of elements typically combine to form covalent compounds?metals
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Nonmetals  typically combine to form covalent compounds.


The octet rule states that the atoms of the elements bond each other in the attempt to complete their valence layer with eight electrons. That is to say, the atoms will tend to yield or share electrons to complete eight electrons in the valence layer.

In other words, the objective is to have the closest noble gas electronic configuration, thus having the last complete electron layer and acquiring stability.

The covalent bond is the chemical bond between atoms where electrons are shared, forming a molecule. Covalent bonds are established between non-metallic elements. These elements have many electrons at their outermost level (valence electrons) and tend to gain electrons in order to comply with the octet rule mentioned and be stable. The shared electron pair is common to the two atoms and holds them together.

Then, nonmetals  typically combine to form covalent compounds.

Answer: ionic bonds can form between nonmetals and metals, while covalent bonds form when electrons are shared between two nonmetals.


Identify one similarity between between fission and fusion processes.


Nuclear fusion and fission releases tremendous amount of energy using radioactive material as a fuel.

What are the similarity between fusion and fission?

Fusion and fission are similar in that they both release large amounts of energy.

Nuclear fusion is a process in which two nuclei join to form a larger nucleus.

Nuclear fission is a process in which a nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei.

At first sight, it doesn’t make sense that both fission and fusion release energy.

The key is in how tightly the nucleons are held together in a nucleus. If a nuclear reaction produces nuclei that are more tightly bound than the originals, then the excess energy will be released.

It turns out that the most tightly bound atomic nuclei are around the size of iron-56.

Thus, if you split a nucleus that is much larger than iron into smaller fragments, you will release energy because the smaller fragments are at a lower energy than the original nucleus.

If instead you fuse very light nuclei to get bigger products, energy is again released because the nucleons in the products are more tightly bound than in the original nuclei.

To know more about fusion and fission follow


Answer: C) They both result in products that have less mass than the reactants


How does Newton's law work? Give an example of the formula in a word problem. please help


1 An object in motion stays in motion. "Rolling a ball down an inclined plane."
2 An object's acceleration is related to it's mass. F=ma "A heavy ball rolls down the plane faster then the lighter ball"
3 For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. "Throwing a ball, the harder you throw the faster it will go."