The hardest behavior modification technique to implement and understand isA. desensitization.
B. habituation.
C. counter-conditioning.
D. punishment.


Answer 1
Answer: The hardest behavior modification technique to implement and understand is counter-conditioning technique. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "C". Counter-conditioning technique is the technique of training where an animal is made to perform a task against its natural behavioral pattern. This can be very hard to implement.

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Discuss the contributing factors that lead to this issue

Violation of human rights


Some contributing factors to human rights violations are:

-armed conflicts
-scarcity of food  and other resources (people might kill over water during a drought)
-lack of understanding of the human rights
-circle of violence- those abused before might be more likely to abuse later.


Wars, food shortages, fascist ideologies, authoritarian states


In 1948, following the human catastrophe of the Second World War, the UN drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document which agreed that basic human rights should be protected throughout the territory of the signatory countries.

The violation of human rights consists in preventing access to basic goods such as food, education, health and also in cases of physical, psychological or moral violence. In cases of human rights violations, the State must act quickly to restrain the violation.

Some factors that may contribute to the violation of human rights are wars, food shortages or political factors, such as states that do not respect human rights and ideologies of racial prejudice, gender and xenophobia.

Please help!What is an example of the Supremacy Clause coming up in a conflict between state & federal law. Explain the basis of the case and resolution.


Supremacy Clause according to the Constitution of the United States states that the power granted to the federal government and the laws enacted by that government outrank & supersede over laws enacted by state governments as well as power conferred to them.

  • The clause is cited in Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution.

  • Scenario when the Clause are used is when a judgement granted by Stated court are not satisfactory to the aggrieved party. Then, such case if transferred to the Federal Court, the judgement of the case will be final.

In conclusion, the Supremacy Clause makes clear and emphasize the supremacy of the Federal hierarchy and Law over the State.

Learn more about Supremacy Clause here


The supremacy clause will tell u that federal law trump state law sometimes we don't always know whether or not a state has a job to enforce the federal laws

A _______ is a ruling by the court that no trial is necessary because there are no essential facts in dispute.a. default judgment

b. long-arm statute

c. federal question

d. summary judgment


A summary judgement is a ruling by the court that no trial is necessary because there are no essential facts in dispute.

Answer: D


Summary judgement, also known as the summary disposition is a judgement the court gives to one party which is against another party and there is no inclusion of trial.

To achieve summary judgement, the appealer has to "Show no confrontation to fact of any material and entitle himself to judgement"

Judges may also grant partial summary judgement by avoiding factual issues and leaving another issue for trial.

The correct answer is (d) summary judgment.

Further Explanation:

Summary judgment is a legal process. It is also known as summary disposition. It is a kind of judgment that is given by a court for one party in the opposition of another party, without a full trial.  

These types of judgment are issued either on the merits of the case or on the basis of discrete issues. Judges may issue “partial summary judgment”. Judges might rule on factual issues but they leave others for trial. The judge issued a summary judgment that dismissing “O’Conner’s claims” against the Disciplinary Board.  

In the United States legal practice, the court awarded the summary judgment before trial. So in this way, it can be summarised as when a judge issues a judgment on the basis of “summary judgment motion” then it is referred to as “summary judgment”.

Learn More:

1. Compare and contrast the middle colonies and southern colonies during the restoration era

2. How did Gertrude stein influence the career of Pablo Picasso in Paris at the start of the twentieth century?

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Summary Judgment

Subject: Social Studies

Keywords: summary judgment, legal process, summary disposition, full trial, discrete issues, factual issues, disciplinary board

Cuales son la características del imperio romano(política interna)



One characteristic of the Roman Empire was its vastness. It stretched from Scotland to the Arabian desert and from Morocco to the Black Sea. The Mediterranean Sea was a de facto Roman lake. Roman territory was so extensive that Augustus decided not to enlarge it any further. The huge empire was held together by a first-rate system of roads.


Entre los logros más importantes de su gobierno destacan la construcción del templo de Santa Sofía, el hipódromo de Constantinopla y la recopilación del Corpus Iuris Civilis Romaní (cuerpo de leyes civiles romano

a qui esta la respuesta


When kevin backpacks across europe after his high school graduation, he is surprised to find burger kings, h&ms, and even wal-mart stores in the foreign cities. this is an example of: a bureaucracy counter-culture in-group/out-group dynamic the mcdonaldization of society?


This is an example of "The McDonaldization of Society ".
McDonaldization is the term created by George Ritzer to depict a sociological phenomenom that is occurring in our society. 
Thus the McDonaldization of Society alludes to the expanding nearness of the cheap food plan of action in like manner social foundations. This plan of action incorporates productivity (the division of work), consistency, calculability, and control (observing).
The scenario in which when Eevin backpacks across Europe after his high school graduation, he is surprised to find Burger Kings, H&Ms, and even wal-mart stores in the foreign cities is an example of the Mcdonaldization of society. The term Mcdonaldization was introduced by sociologist George Ritzer. It denotes the sociological phenomenom characterized with increased presence of the fast food business.

Which factor that contributed to the fall of the Byzantine Empire is the author describing in this passage?During that time it seemed no easy thing to see any man in the streets of Byzantium, but all who had the good fortune to be in health were sitting in their houses, either attending the sick or mourning the dead. And if one did succeed in meeting a man going out, he was carrying one of the dead. And work of every description ceased, and all the trades were abandoned by the artisans, and all other work as well, such as each had in hand.
a. invasion of Ottoman Turks
b. impact of the plague on population
c. attacks by Muslim empires
d. effects of Justinian Code


the answer is: b. impact of the plague on population

At that time, the European still hasn't undergone enough advancement in medical science to handle the plague. Because of this, Regardless of their massive wealth and influence, Byzantine empire still lost a large number of citizens in productive age due to the plague. This massively weakened the empire both economically and in terms of military power. Eventual, that all lead to its fall.

The answer is B impact of the plague on population.