Propoziti cu culbeci ,insula,tinichea,stuf,impresurata. va rogg !!!!!!!


Answer 1
Answer: Mi-am dorit mereu sa merg pe o insula In Vrajitorul din Oz era si un om de tinichea Am invatat despre o planta erbacee numita stuf A fost impresurata de catre noi toti Intr-un atlas am invatat ca in ocean exista culbeci, niste moluste

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Literal Meaning:

Definition: Literal meaning refers to the straightforward, factual interpretation of words or phrases, where words are used in their most basic and straightforward sense to convey information. It is the surface or primary meaning of a word or expression without any additional implied or hidden meanings.

Example: In the sentence, "The sun is setting," the literal meaning is that the sun is actually descending below the horizon at the end of the day.

Figurative Meaning:

Definition: Figurative meaning involves the use of words or expressions in a way that goes beyond their literal or dictionary definitions. It relies on metaphor, symbolism, or other creative devices to convey a deeper or more nuanced message. Figurative language is often used for literary or rhetorical effect and relies on the reader or listener to infer the intended meaning.

Example: In the sentence, "She has a heart of gold," the figurative meaning is not that the person's heart is made of the metal gold. Instead, it figuratively suggests that the person is kind, generous, and compassionate.
