Sound is a example of what kind of wave


Answer 1

Answer: The correct answer is longitudinal wave.


Longitudinal wave:  The vibration of the particle is parallel to the direction of the propagation of the wave.

Longitudinal wave consists of the compression and the rarefaction.

Compression is the region where the density of the particles are more. Rarefaction is the region where the density of the particles are less.

The example of the longitudinal wave is Sound wave.

Answer 2
Answer: Sound is an example of a longitudinal wave.

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The circuit you should use to find the open-circuit voltage is



Incomplete questions check attachment for circuit diagram.


We are going to use superposition

So, we will first open circuit the current source and find the voltage Voc.

So, check attachment for open circuit diagram.

From the diagram

We notice that R3 is in series with R4, so its equivalent is given below

Req(3-4) = R3 + R4

R(34) = 20+40 = 60 kΩ

Notice that R2 is parallel to the equivalent of R3 and R4, then, the equivalent of all this three resistor is

Req(2-3-4) = R2•R(34)/(R2+R(34))

R(234) = (100×60)/(100+60)

R(234) = 37.5 kΩ

We notice that R1 and R(234) are in series, then, we can apply voltage divider rule to find voltage in R(234)


V(234) = R(234) / [R1 + R(234)] × V

V(234) = 37.5/(25+37.5) × 100

V(234) = 37.5/62.5 × 100

V(234) = 60V.

Note, this is the voltage in resistor R2, R3 and R4.

Note that, R2 is parallel to R3 and R4. Parallel resistor have the same voltage, then voltage across R2 equals voltage across R34

V(34) = 60V.

Now, we also know that R3 and R4 are in series,

So we can know the voltage across R4 which is the Voc we are looking for.

Using voltage divider

V4 = Voc = R4/(R4 + R(34)) × V(34)

Voc = 40/(40+60) × 60

Voc = 24V

This is the open circuit Voltage

Now, finding the short circuit voltage when we short circuit the voltage source

Check attachment for circuit diagram.

From the circuit we notice that R1 and R2 are in parallel, so it's equivalent becomes

Req(1-2) = R1•R2/(R1+R2)

R(12) = 25×100/(25+100)

R(12) = 20 kΩ

We also notice that the equivalent of Resistor R1 and R2 is in series to R3. Then, the equivalent resistance of the three resistor is

Req(1-2-3) = R(12) + R(3)

R(123) = 20 + 20

R(123) = 40 kΩ

We notice that, the equivalent resistance of the resistor R1, R2, and R3 is in series to resistor R4.

So using current divider rule to find the current in resistor R4.

I(4) = R(123) / [R4+R(123)] × I

I(4) = 40/(40+40) × 8

I(4) = 4mA

Then, using ohms law, we can find the voltage across the resistor 4 and the voltage is the required Voc

V = IR

V4 = Voc = I4 × R4

Voc = 4×10^-3 × 40×10^3

Voc = 160V

Then, the sum of the short circuit voltage and the open circuit voltage will give the required Voc

Voc = Voc(open circuit) + Voc(short circuit)

Voc = 24 + 160

Voc = 184V.

The law of suggests that the orbit of planets is not circular but .



Kepler's first law suggests that the orbit of planets is not circular but elliptical


The three Kepler's laws explain the motion of the planets orbiting the Sun:

- The first law tells that the orbits of the planets around the Sun are ellipses, with the Sun located at one of the two focii

- The second law tells that a line connecting the Sun with the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal amounts of time

- The third law tells that the square of the orbital periods of the planets is proportional to the cube of their average distance from the Sun

As we can read, the first law tells us that the orbit of the planets is not circular, but elliptical.

Ok I'm doing physics gragh an I don't know how to find the impulse on a graph


OK instead of telling us what you don't know, it would actually be much more helpful if we could talk about what you DO know.

What is it a graph of ? 

-- Impulse is (force applied) x (time the force persists).
Is there force or time anywhere on the graph ?
Is there acceleration anywhere on the graph, and do you know the mass ?
With acceleration and mass, you could calculate the force.

-- Impulse is also the change in momentum.
Is there momentum anywhere on the graph ?
Is there speed anywhere on the graph, and do you know the mass ?
With speed and mass, you can calculate the momentum.

We can use what you know to solve the problem.  But we cannot use
what you don't know to solve the problem.

I just had the coolest idea:  What if you took a picture of the Physics gragh
that you're doing, and post it here along with your question ? !  Then we
would have the same information that you have, and we could show you
how to use it.

What happens to the gravitational force between two objects when their distance is changed?


If they become closer, it is increased, and if the objects become farther away is decreased.

Which is a solar eclipse?


The core, or middle, of the Sun is the hottest part. Hot gasses bubble up from the core to the surface of the Sun. When the gasses burn, heat and light are produced.

The next one will be an annular solar eclipse (also known as a "ring of fire" solar eclipse) on Sept. 1, 2016.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon gets between Earth and the sun, and the moon casts a shadow over Earth. A solar eclipse can only take place at the phase of new moon, when the moon passes directly between the sun and Earth and its shadows fall upon Earth’s surface. But whether the alignment produces a total solar eclipse, a partial solar eclipse or an annular solar eclipse depends on several factors, all explained below.
The fact that an eclipse can occur at all is a fluke of celestial mechanics and time. Since the moon formed about 4.5 billion years ago, it has been gradually moving away from Earth (by about 1.6 inches, or 4 centimeters per year). Right now the moon is at the perfect distance to appear in our sky exactly the same size as the sun, and therefore block it out. But this is not always true..

When is the next solar eclipse?

The next solar eclipse will be an annular eclipse on Sept. 1, 2016.

According to Geoff Gaherty of Starry Night Education, it will be visible over most of Africa, the southern Arabian Peninsula, and much of the Indian Ocean. Maximum eclipse occurs in Antarctica at 09:07 UT.

The next solar eclipse visible from North America will be a total eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017. It will sweep across the continental United States from Oregon to Georgia.

How Solar Eclipses Work: When the moon covers up the sun, skywatchers delight in the opportunity to see a rare spectacle. See how solar eclipses occur in this infographic.
How Solar Eclipses Work: When the moon covers up the sun, skywatchers delight in the opportunity to see a rare spectacle.
Types of solar eclipses

There are four types of solar eclipses: total, annular, partial and hybrid. Here’s what causes each type:

Total solar eclipses

These are a happy accident of nature. The sun's 864,000-mile diameter is fully 400 times greater than that of our puny moon, which measures just about 2,160 miles. But the moon also happens to be about 400 times closer to Earth than the sun (the ratio varies as both orbits are elliptical), and as a result, when the orbital planes intersect and the distances align favorably, the new moon can appear to completely blot out the disk of the sun. On the average a total eclipse occurs somewhere on Earth about every 18 months.

There are actually two types of shadows: the umbra is that part of the shadow where all sunlight is blocked out. The umbra takes the shape of a dark, slender cone. It is surrounded by the penumbra, a lighter, funnel-shaped shadow from which sunlight is partially obscured.

During a total solar eclipse, the moon casts its umbra upon Earth's surface; that shadow can sweep a third of the way around the planet in just a few hours. Those who are fortunate enough to be positioned in the direct path of the umbra will see the sun's disk diminish into a crescent as the moon's dark shadow rushes toward them across the landscape.

During the brief period of totality, when the sun is completely covered, the beautiful corona — the tenuous outer atmosphere of the sun — is revealed. Totality may last as long as 7 minutes 31 seconds, though most total eclipses are usually much shorter.

On Jan. 4, 2011, the moon passed in front of the sun in a partial solar eclipse - as seen from parts of Earth. Here, the joint Japanese-American Hinode satellite captured the same breathtaking event from space. The unique view created what's called an annular solar eclipse.
On Jan. 4, 2011, the moon passed in front of the sun in a partial solar eclipse - as seen from parts of Earth. Here, the joint Japanese-American Hinode satellite captured the same breathtaking event from space. The unique view created what's called an annular solar eclips
Partial solar eclipses

A partial solar eclipse occurs when only the penumbra (the partial shadow) passes over you. In these cases, a part of the sun always remains in view during the eclipse. How much of the sun remains in view depends on the specific circumstances.

Usually the penumbra gives just a glancing blow to our planet over the polar regions; in such cases, places far away from the poles but still within the zone of the penumbra might not see much more than a small scallop of the sun hidden by the moon. In a different scenario, those who are positioned within a couple of thousand miles of the path of a total eclipse will see a partial eclipse.

The closer you are to the path of totality, the greater the solar obscuration. If, for instance, you are positioned just outside of the path of the total eclipse, you will see the sun wane to a narrow crescent, then thicken up again as the shadow passes by.

what variables affect the acceleration of an object and in what matter do they affect the acceleration?


The variables that affect the acceleration of an object are

-- the object's mass
-- the net force acting on the object.

            Acceleration = (net force) divided by (mass) .

The more mass an object has, the less acceleration it will have
in response to the same net force.

The more net force acts on an object, the more acceleration
the object will have.