Theory that change results from conflicts between groups with opposing interests.


Answer 1
Answer: Conflict theory is the type of theory that change results from a conflict between groups that have different interests. Conflict itself has a meaning that defines the theory already - meaning it doesn't have any agreement between two parties. Therefore, naming the theory like so.
Answer 2

Final answer:

The mentioned theory is known as Conflict Theory, a sociological perspective that thinks conflict is a fundamental part of society resulting from competition for limited resources and social power. The competition triggers changes in society, which may be especially visible on a larger scale, such as conflicts between socio-economic classes.


The theory in question, which suggests that change results from conflicts between groups with opposing interests, is known as Conflict Theory. This sociological view was primarily inspired by the works of Karl Marx and presents society in a different light compared to other theories. This perspective holds that conflict, rather than harmony, is a fundamental part of society and cannot be avoided because of the scarcity of resources and social power. It assumes that due to these shortages, different social groups, including classes, races, religions, and more will compete for these resources and this competition triggers changes within society.

For instance, in terms of socio-economic class, Conflict Theory suggests that the rich class has power and resources and tends to oppress the poorer class, leading to a conflict of interests between the two classes. This conflict may potentially result in societal changes, such as protests or reforms, that aim to create a more equal distribution of resources. This theory is widely used in the study of society and can apply to various contexts and scales, from small group interactions to the broader patterns of society.

Learn more about Conflict Theory here:


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n a situation like this, it's important to have open and constructive communication with your parents. Here's a suggested approach:

Listen to Their Concerns: Start by actively listening to your parents' concerns. Understand their perspective and why they are worried about your frequent cellphone use. They may have valid reasons related to your well-being or responsibilities.

Express Your Perspective: After listening to them, calmly express your perspective. Share why you believe your cellphone use is reasonable and how it fits into your daily life.

Compromise: Try to find a middle ground. Perhaps you can agree on specific times or situations when you'll limit your cellphone use, such as during family meals or when doing homework.

Set Boundaries: If your parents have specific concerns about your cellphone use interfering with your responsibilities, like schoolwork or chores, consider setting boundaries or schedules that allow for a balanced approach.

Show Responsibility: Demonstrate responsibility with your cellphone use. This may involve managing your time effectively, ensuring it doesn't negatively impact your academic or personal life.

Discuss Consequences: Understand any consequences your parents may impose if you don't meet the agreed-upon boundaries. Be prepared to accept these consequences if necessary.

Seek Compromise on Rules: Work together with your parents to establish reasonable rules and guidelines for cellphone use that both parties can agree upon.

Educate About Benefits: If applicable, educate your parents about the positive aspects of cellphone use, such as learning opportunities, communication with friends, or useful apps.

Respect Their Wishes: Ultimately, it's important to respect your parents' wishes, especially if they have legitimate concerns about your well-being.

Monitor Your Usage: Be mindful of your cellphone usage and try to strike a balance between screen time and other activities.

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Framing is demonstrated in the media. It explains that the media may focus attention on certain events depending and cause a particular field of meaning to be taken by its audience depending on how information is communicated by the media. In other words, framing suggests that how something is presented to the audience (called “the frame”) places that thing to be interpreted in a certain way and also influences the choices people make regarding that thing.

Answer: Framing

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1. Economic decision-making: Both traditional and market economies involve making decisions regarding the allocation of resources. However, the decision-making processes differ between the two systems.

2. Role of individuals: In both traditional and market economies, individuals play a significant role in the economic activities. They engage in production, consumption, and exchange of goods and services.

3. Exchange of goods: Both traditional and market economies involve the exchange of goods. While traditional economies may rely on barter or informal trading systems, market economies facilitate exchange through a formal market where goods and services are bought and sold.

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The answer is, the way of Mary's diminishing.  


Some spurious records express that at the season of her prearranged engagement to Joseph, Mary was 12– 14 years of age, and he was ninety years of age, yet such records are problematic. As indicated by antiquated Jewish custom, Mary could have been pledged at around 12.So, as per convention, Mary was 14– 16 years of age when Jesus was conceived. Given that Jesus kicked the bucket at 33, that would make her 47– 49 years of age at His passing. Joseph and Mary were hitched, as per Jewish custom, at Mary's home in the environs of Nazareth when Joseph was twenty-one years of age.