Is glucose an pure substance or mixture?


Answer 1
Answer: a pure substance hope this helped
Answer 2
Answer: yes glucose is a pure substance

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Because chloride ions have a negative charge, so are attracted to the positive electrode

How does temperature, pressure and surface area affect the dissolving process


If I am correct, yes. As I was told in chemistry, the surface area affects the dissolving of the "sugar". If you put regular Surat in a hot cup of coffee, it will dissolve at a quick pace, but what if you put the same amount of sugar in the same amour of coffee, but the sugar was fine powder? It would dissolve even faster since it has more surface area. So temperature does affect the dissolving. Hope this helps!
Temperature : - DIssolving process is fastened by increase in temperture.( directly proportional)

Pressure : -  Dissolving process is fastened by decrease in pressure.( inversely proportional)

Surface area - Dissolving process is fastened by increase in surface area. ( directly proportional)

What is the most likely reason that nonmetals are electrical insulators?


Because they cant carry an electrical current so instead they hold it. Holding it like quarantine type.

Answer: the answer is B


Because they have to hold them to fill in their spaces.

A finales del siglo XIX, los estudios y demostraciones que habían sobre los fenómenos eléctricos llevaban a sospechar que los átomos eran divisibles. ¿Cuáles fueron las experiencias realizadas por J.J Thomson para confirmar este hecho y qué postulado surgió de estas experiencias?



Joseph John Thomson studied the properties and the effects of the cathodic rays. Thomson's experiments involved the passage of electricity through a high-vacuum cathode-ray tube composed by a positive electrode (anode) and a negatively charged cathode. This experiment was crucial to describe the nature of the electric discharge.


Michael Faraday placed two electrodes in water solution and then he observed how electricity forces can separate elements in the solution.  

William Crookes studied the forces that drive electricity phenomena by passing electricity through a gas in a sealed tube (cathode ray tubes).

Wilhelm Roentgen discovered the electromagnetic radiation in the X-ray spectrum

Finally, Ernest Rutherford was an apprentice of JJ Thompson. He designed an experiment involving alpha particles that were emitted by a radioactive element. This experiment showed that atoms have tiny and heavy nucleus.

Which is a property of every homogeneous mixture?



Every homogeneous mixture is uniform in nature.


One of the most interesting facts about homogeneous mixtures is that, in a sense, there's no real distinction. The mixture is uniform in nature.

Conversely, at a large enough scale everything in the universe is homogeneous, because it becomes impossible to differentiate components.

The answer is:

Each part of the mixture has the same appearance would be a property of a homogeneous mixture. A homogeneous mixture has a uniform composition and every part of the solution has the same properties.

Hope this helps :D 

When 11.12 g of neon is combined in a 100 L container at 80oC with 9.59 g of argon, what is the mole fraction of argon?


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "0.3."

Here it is how to solve.
olecular mass of Ar = 40
Molecular mass of Ne = 20
Number of moles of Ar = 9.59/40 = 0.239
Number of moles of Ne = 11.12/20= 0.556
Mole fraction of argon = 0.239/ ( 0.239 + 0.556) = 0.3