If a basketball player runs 15 m in a time of 3 s, what was the runners average velocity?


Answer 1

There's not enough information in the question to calculate the player's velocity.  But we can find his average speed.

Speed = (distance covered) / (time to cover the distance)

Speed = (15 meters) / (3 sec)

Speed = (15/3) (m/s)

Speed = 5 m/s

There's no information telling us what direction he ran, so it's not possible to say anything about his velocity.  ('Velocity' is not just a big word for 'speed'.  It's a different thing, and to describe it, you need to know the speed AND the direction of the motion.)

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Answer: centimeters per second (cm/s)


The relation between the frequency and the wavelenght is:

Velocity = wavelenght*frequency.

So in a relation of wavelenght vs frequency, we will have the relationship:

Where wavelenght is Y and frequency is X

wavelenght = velocity/frequency.

So the constant is the velocity, and we know that the units of the wavelenght is cm, the unit of frequency is Hz (or 1/s), so the units of the velocity is cm/s




λν=c where λ is the wavelength, ν is the frequency and c is the speed of light.

λ = c/v which is in cm/s/Hz

But we would use just cm! Because that's how we measure the wavelength in this example.

However, the constant is c, the speed of light, which we measure as a speed, so cm/s will do.