Which virus has a structure that includes an outer lipid bilayer that is studded with proteins?


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is Influenza virus and HIV virus.

A virus is an infectious agent that can replicate only inside a host cell. When it is outside the cell, it consists of genetic material coated with protein capsid. Some viruses, such as Influenza virus and HIV virus, also have an envelope which covers capsid. The envelope is an outer lipid bilayer that is studded with proteinsThe function of the envelope is to identify and bind some receptor sites on the host membranes. After fusing with the cell membrane, it allows to capsid and genetic material to enter the cell and infect it.

Answer 2




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Bacteria and archaea differ in____ a.whether they have a nucleus.. b.the makeup of their cell walls.. c.size.. d.whether they have a cell wall.


The answer is b.the makeup of their cell.

Both bacteria (which belong to the group of Prokaryotes) and Archaea have no nuclei but have cell walls. Those are groups of unicellular organisms. But, they differ in the makeup of their cell walls. 
Archaea have cell walls made of  uncommon lipids while bacteria have cell walls made of peptidoglycan. 

Bacteria and archaea differ in their cell walls makeup.

Further Explanation:

Archaea is considered to arise many years ago and is also considered to be the most primitive form of life. Earlier they were classified as bacteria but as they possessed certain difference features when compared with bacteria, it was now termed as archaea. Some of the characteristics of archaea resembles eukaryotes while other resembles with prokaryotes.

Archaea are single celled organism and they can thrive in harsh conditions like marshy area and hot springs. Some of the example of archaea are, Thermococcus litoralis, Methanopyrus kandleri, Cenarchaeum symbiosum etc.

The features of archaea which are similar to bacteria are:

1. Lack of nuclear envelop.

2. Lack of membrane bound envelop.

3. Presence of circular chromosomes.

The features of archaea which are similar to eukaryotes are:

1. Methionine is the initiator amino acid for protein synthesis.

2. Lack of peptidoglycan in their cell wall.

3. Association of histones with DNA.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about plants brainly.com/question/862697

2. Learn more about bacteria brainly.com/question/4656094

3. Learn more about viruses brainly.com/question/3889603

Answer Details:

Grade: Middle school

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Classification of organism


Bacteria, archaea, methionine, peptidoglycan, histones, chromosomes, cell wall, DNA, nuclear envelope, eukaryotes, Thermococcus litoralis, Methanopyrus kandleri, Cenarchaeum symbiosum.

Explain what is meant by the sentence “Natural selection can act only on existing traits.”


Natural Selection is a process in which certain traits become more common or not. This is determined by the necessity of certain traits and the environment the species finds itself in. Natural selection only acts on existing traits because they are the traits active in a given species in a given environment.


Natural Selection can only occur to living organisms.

In a paper on the catalytic activity of an enzyme, in which section would you find detailed information on how the enzyme was prepared and handled in the experiment?A. Discussion
B. Materials and Method
C. Abstract
D. Introduction


It's B. Materials and Method.

As the human population grows _____.



Whenever there will be increase in population of living beings then there will be increase in amount of needs or requirements.

For example, when population was only 50% then use of natural resources was about 50%. But when population increased by 70% then there will be 20% increase in use of natural resources as compared to earlier consumption.

As a result, there will be decrease in quantity of resources.

Therefore, we can conclude that as the human population grows there will be increase in consumption of resources.

resources will go down... there is an awesome video on youtube about this btw

Which explanation best explains the role of enzymes as catalysts in living systems?Select one of the options below as your answer:

Enzymes accelerate chemical reactions without getting used up in the process.

Enzymes accelerate chemical reactions by getting used up in the process.

Enzymes decelerate chemical reactions by getting used up in the process.


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option A. The role of enzymes as catalysts in living systems is that they  accelerate chemical reactions without getting used up in the process. Enzymes hasten chemical reactions by providing alternative path for the reaction.
A. is the correct answer

When the adult frog leaves the pond what change has to take place??


What happens to a tadpole after about 70 days of life? 
It is dependent on the species of frog, temperature, etc. but most likely: 
D. is a full adult frog