Explain how a crayfish is designed to be a bottom feeder.


Answer 1
Answer: Bottom feeders can be seen in almost all natural water bodies and the most common among them are crabs, crayfish, bristle worms, snails, starfish, shellfish, flatfish, eels, carp, shark, etc. Even though, all those fish and other aquatic creatures, that dwells on the bottom of the water bodies are jointly called bottom feeders, the term is usually used for those fish, that are mainly found as bottom feeders in aquariums. !

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Select all that apply.Which of the following are energy solutions that release pollution into the air>

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Coal, petroleum, and oil are energy solutions that release pollution into the air. 


The correct answers are coal, petrolium and oil.


  • Coal is a fossil fuel that highly contributes to climatic change, polluting not only air but also water and the soil. By burning it, its gases contribute to increase the greenhouse effect and consequently producing global heat. This is affecting all forms of life that depend on these resources, including human beings. Thermal factories of coal for electricity production are the responsible source of CO, CO₂, SO₂ and NOₓ release. During the coal combustion process, several particles are released to air, polluting and being the cause of smog and acid rain. To produce only one tone of energy, coal emits 3.5 tones of CO₂, which is 1.5 more times than gas and 1.3 more times than petroleum CO₂ emission. In spite of its reduced use in the last years, coal is still the principal fuel used by thermal, refineries, chemical, and still work industries.  It is also very important to mention that this production is the cause of the destruction of several species´ habitats and ecosystems that surround the mines.  
  • Petroleum pollution is produced by its accidental or intended release in the environment, which produces adverse effects on all forms of life, directly or indirectly. This contamination involves all the operations related to hydrocarbon extraction and its transport, driving to a gradual environment deterioration, affecting soil, water, air, flora, and fauna.  The areas occupied by the petroleum extraction installations affect the whole ground surface that ends in a completely degraded place. In superficial water sources, petroleum split and other wastes produce a decrease in oxygen, available solids, organic and inorganic substances. Underground water is affected by an increase in salinity by contamination. Ocean water is affected by conducts break in the bottom, or by ship splits. The air ais affected by gas emissions such as CO and CO₂.
  • Oil is also a huge contaminator and it generates a dangerous waste that is very harmful to the environment. Its elimination by incineration or split provokes huge pollution problems in the air, water, and ground. In water, it produces an impermeable film that impedes gas exchange and causes suffocation in the living forms that inhabit there. Only one oil liter contaminates one million liters of water. But if the oil is burned it generates nocive gases that are very toxic because of their content in plumb, chloride, phosphorus, sulfur, among others. Only 5 oil liters burned might contaminate 1 million cm³ of air.  

Choose all the answers that apply.Which of the following minerals can be scratched with a fingernail?



Talc is the only mineral that can be scratched with a fingernail.
talc can be scratched by a fingernail

Jamal needs to know how fast a red oak sapling grows. What can he do to find this out?A. Grow a sapling from seed and measure its growth periodically.
B. Measure how fast the saplings of different kinds of oaks grow.
C. Cut down an adult red oak and count its rings.


A. Grow a sapling from seed and measure its growth periodically.


Th correct answer is "Grow a sapling from seed and measure its growth periodically."


To find the answer to a question about nature, it is best to plan an experiment in which the natural event in question can be directly observed and measured.

Which region of a tRNA molecule binds to amino acids?a. Anticodon loop
b. Codon loop
c. The 3’ end
d. Variable loop


The correct answer is: a. Anticodon loop

tRNA or transfer RNA is an important component in protein synthesis (translation). Its role is to carry amino acids to the ribosome and link a matching a codon in an mRNA with the amino acid it codes for.

The anticodon located on the tRNA (anticodon loop) can bind to one or a few specific mRNA codons.

Final answer:

The correct option is c.

The 3' end of a tRNA molecule binds to amino acids during protein synthesis. Specifically, the CCA tail at this 3' end directly binds the amino acids.


The region of a tRNA molecule that binds to amino acids is the 3′ end. tRNA, which stands for transfer RNA, is crucial for protein synthesis in the cell. The amino acids are attached to the 3′ end of the tRNA molecule. While the anticodon loop, codon loop, and the variable loop are all important aspects of the tRNA structure, it's the 3' end, more specifically the CCA tail at this part, that directly binds to the amino acids during translation.

Learn more about tRNA molecule here:



Which is the biological importance of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP)?



repairs cell membrances

that is when the molecules that carries energy within cells

Hope this helps

I have three questions pls answer this 1 during which season(s) do tree grow most slowly

2 what weather conditions could make trees grow more quickly than normal

3 what weather conditions could make trees grow slowly than normal



1 the harmattan season

2 the raining season

3 winter and autumn.




3,freezeing temperture
