The Federal Trade Commission was established in 1914 to?a. prevent unfair business practices.
b. establish and maintain tariffs.
c. regulate banking and credit practices.
d. strengthen the rights of workers.


Answer 1

According to the question, the federal trade commission was established in 1914 to prevent unfair business practices.  

In accordance to the Federal trade commission ACT of 1914, the federal trade commission was established. It is an independent administrative agency. Since the agency was established by President Woodrow Wilson, it has been protecting investors, consumers and business from practices that are anti-competitive. Some of the anti-competitive practices include monopolies, unfounded product claim, monopolistic merger, price fixing and bid-rigging. The FTC function has greatly help the U.S economy to function properly, safely for investors, consumers and businesses at large.

The main reason the federal trade commission was set up was to re-enact, regulate and made some clarification to what antitrust act and Clayton antitrust act prohibited. These two laws encourages competition to the detriment of consumers and investors.

These laws were abused and this led to public outcry. The public outrage compelled President Woodrow Wilson to take proper action against monopolies and trusts.

Initially, the power vested on the federal trade commission was to prevent or dissolve monopolies and to initiate law suits against anyone who violate the laws.

Monopolies have an advert effect on the economy. They are anti-competitive in nature and they causes great harm to investors and consumers



  • federal trade commission
  • federal trade commission act.
  • monopolies
  • president woodrow wilson
Answer 2

The Federal Trade Commission is an independent agency established by US government to regulate unfair business practices.

Further Explanation:

On September 26, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed an act in the law “Federal Trade commission Act”, and thus established The Federal Trade Commission. Its main aim is to protect customers from any kind of fraud and promote the trade as well.

President Franklin D Roosevelt himself laid the foundation of the headquarters of this Commission. Its Headquarter was established in Washington, DC. He mentioned this place as the permanent address of the Federal Trade Commission forever and stands as a symbol of the government purpose insisting on a greater application of belief to conduct the business enterprises and corporation and their relationship to the body politics.

Enforcement actions, investigation and consumer business education are some of the functions of Federal Trade Commission, while its area of concern are advertising and marketing, Telemarketing, financial product and practices, privacy and identity protection etc. Commission also holds the responsibility of United States National Do Not Call Registry. It also holds the authority to bring most cases to Federal Court through its own attorney. It can also bolster U.S Department of justice in some of the consumer protection matters

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1. Why did President Reagan call for soviet leader Gorbachev to “tear down” the berlin wall?

2. what was the impact of president Roosevelt’s approval of executive order 9066?

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: History  

Chapter: Federal Trade Commission

Keywords:President Woodrow Wilson, Federal Trade commission Act, Franklin D Roosevelt, Washington, DC United States National Do Not Call Registry.

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The correct answer is Luminosity.

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The correct answer is communes.

In the 1960s, some people went off to live in their own little communities where they share living spaces, shores, and food. The name of those communities were communes.

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One of the points in favor of increased US involvement overseas was the idea of keeping up with the competition. Some people believed that the US needed to colonize because European countries were doing the same thing, otherwise the US would be left behind. Another point that favored increased involvement came from a moral perspective. Some people believed it was the duty of the US to bring civilization and religion to supposedly weaker nations.

Nineteenth-century was a period of colonization and empire-building, and the United States had already emerged as a political and economic power on the international forefront. The American diplomats and politicians wanted the United States government to jump on to the bandwagon of imperialist expansion so that the image of the United States as a powerful state would be maintained on the world forum. They also felt that colonial expansion was needed to keep with the competition from Europe. The need for colonization was based on a moral perspective, projecting the United States as a model for bringing civilization and welfare to the socially and economically downtrodden populations of the Far East.

Further Explanation-

American imperialism refers to the cultural, military and economic impact of the United States at an international front. The nineteenth century was an age of imperialist expansion, with the European states expanding their territorial boundaries and colonizing several parts of Africa and Southeast Asia. The principles on which American imperialism was based projected an 'exceptionalism' of the United States, as it was the seat of liberty and democracy. One of the first territories to be colonized by the United States were the Hawaiian Islands, which gave the United States access to all resources and governmental institutions of Hawaii. However, some politicians were opposed to this idea, as imperialism went against the very concept of democracy, to take into consideration the 'consent of the governed'


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Answer Details  

Grade- High School

Chapter- The rise of Imperialism.

Subject- History


imperialism, colonialism, democracy, moral welfare, territorial expansion, exceptionalism, modernization.