The kingdom of the fifty-two states clans was also known as the ________ Empire-Palmares


Answer 1


the answer is buganda..option c

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How did the Industrial Revolution change American society ?



1. D. A large percentage of Americans became factory workers in cities

2. A. They were paid less per hour than men were paid

3. American Federation of Labor: Samuel Gompers    American Railway Union: Eugene V. Debs    Knights of Labor: Terence Powderly

4. C. Management announced that it would be cutting wages for all workers


Final answer:

The Industrial Revolution transformed American society by shifting from farming to industrial jobs, resulting in urbanization. It also brought advancements in technology, and increased economic growth rates, and income levels, but posed challenges for the poor.


The Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on American society. It transformed the country from primarily an agricultural nation to an industrial one. With the growth of factories and the influx of people into cities, there were major changes in the economy, technology, communication, transportation, and social landscape.

One major effect was the shift from farming to industrial jobs. More Americans left farming to work in factories, which led to the growth of urban areas. This urbanization brought both opportunities and challenges, with economic growth on one hand and poverty and harsh working conditions on the other.

The Industrial Revolution also brought about changes in technology, such as the development of new inventions and advancements in transportation. It increased economic growth rates and income levels, allowing for the mass production of goods and the expansion of big businesses. However, the transition was not easy for everyone, as the poor faced housing and health issues, low pay, and long working hours.

Before 1913 and the passage of the 17th Amendment, Senators were elected by state legislatures. Who has the power to elect Senators today?


Before 1913 and the passage of the 17th Amendment, Senators were elected by state legislatures. The power to elect Senators today is vested in the hands of Voters.

Further Explanations:

The 17th amendment passed in 1913 changed the status of the election of senator form indirect to direct overruling the status of article 1, Clause 1 and 2 the constitution authorizing the inhabitant to decide the person to be chosen for the post. the motive behind the implementation of the law was to ensure the equal representation of each State in the Legislation.

The legislative body of America also called the United States legislature is formally known as State legislature in 25 states and in the other 19 states, it is known as “General Assembly”. In regard to the composition and division of the legislative body, it is a bicameral legislature, with two houses of legislation. The Upper House or “Senate” consists less adherents as equated to the Lower House. Senator workouts the special power to extol the selections and impeachment of the governor. Since 1913 the senators were designated by the State legislature but after implementation of the 17th amendment act, the authority to elect senators was shifted into the hands of electors of the realm.

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  2. What was the charge of the 1807 indictment by the man who was chosen as vice president on February 17, 1801, by the House of Representatives after thirty-six ballots?
  3. Under the articles of confederation, if Virginia had ten thousand citizens and Delaware had five thousand citizens, how many votes would each state have in the legislature?

Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: Senate

Keywords: legislative body, United States legislature, State legislature, General Assembly, bicameral legislature, Upper House, governor, legislature, 17th amendment, article 1, Clause 1 and 2

Final answer:

Today, U.S. Senators are elected directly by the voters of each state. This method of election was established by the 17th Amendment in 1913, which signified a shift from the previous system where Senators were elected by state legislatures.


Today, under the terms of the 17th Amendment, U.S. Senators are elected directly by the voters of each state. This amendment was adopted in 1913, and marked a significant change in the method of electing Senators. Before its passage, Senators were elected by state legislatures, a system that placed a greater emphasis on the federal nature of the United States government. Now, an election is held in each state for one of its two Senator positions every two years, ensuring that every state has a representative in the Senate who has been selected by the people of that state.

Learn more about 17th Amendment here:


Why did American colonists in New England live and work differently from American colonists in the South?A. More gold and other precious minerals were found in the North than in the South.

B. The nationalities of the people in the two regions led to divergent cultures and ways of living.

C. Colonists in the South were generally better educated than those in the North.

D. The contrast in the geography of the two regions encouraged variations in lifestyles.



D. The contrast in the geography of the two regions encouraged variations in lifestyles.


The south had more warmer and drier climate, which promoted the planting of crops, especially cash crops like tobacco and later cotton. The north, on the other hand, had a colder and wetter climate, which promoted more of fisheries, and planting of grains, which needed a cooler and more wetter environment.


I think the answer is D.


Which statement best describes how the Proclamation of 1763 attempted to prevent problems between the colonists and Native Americans after the French and Indian War?



The Proclamation of 1763 attempted to prevent problems by trying to prevent the encroachment of European settlers on native lands.


The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by the British government. The proclamation effectively created a boundary that separated the Atlantic colonies in the East from the lands that were beyond the Appalachian Mountains to the West. West of this land was considered Native territory.  Pontiac's Rebellion of Native Americans led to the edict issued by King George III. It made it illegal for private citizens and colonial governments to buy land from Native Americans of their own accord.

Final answer:

The Proclamation of 1763 attempted to prevent conflict between the colonists and Native Americans after the French and Indian War by establishing a boundary, known as the Proclamation Line, along the Appalachian Mountains, prohibiting colonists from settling to the west of this line.


The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by the British government following the closure of the French and Indian War. This directive attempted to prevent problems between the colonists and Native Americans by setting a boundary, known as the Proclamation Line, along the crest of the Appalachian Mountains. Colonists were prohibited from settling west of this line, which was largely reserved for Native Americans. The intent was to reduce conflict and tension by keeping colonists and Native Americans separated. However, it led to widespread discontent among the colonists, who were eager to settle on the fertile lands to the west.

Learn more about Proclamation of 1763 here:


The ____ Plan sent billions of dollars in aid to help rebuild European countries in an effort to make communism less attractive. A. Truman

B. Churchill

C. Roosevelt

D. Marshall


Its the Marshall plan


Marshall plan


Which is the best evidence that humans might be contributing to climate change?A
It is hotter at the poles than ever before in recorded history
Scientists think that we should be in an ice age
The amount of carbon dioxide is higher since the start of the Industrial Revolution and the start of massive amounts of fossil fuel usage
Species have never went extinct before the Industrial Revolution


Its A. Because of global warming. 
The answer is C because, B couldn't happen cause if there wasn't a ice age we wouldn't be alive cause, that means dinosaurs would still exist.So the answer is C.