7. What was the long-term impact of Martin Lutherʼs break from the Catholic Church? What do we see today as a result of his “revolution”


Answer 1
Answer: Martin Luther broke from the Catholic Church after nailing his 95 theses to a church door in 1517.  He restudied the Bible and realised that many of the Catholic church's policies and ideas had no Biblical background.  The long-term impact is known today as Protestantism.
Answer 2


His beliefs completely influenced the start of a new branch of Christianity.


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1. Which of these was nullified by the Kansas-Nebraska Act? a. Missouri Compromise
b. personal liberties laws
c. idea of popular sovereignty
d. Crittenden Compromise
2. Why was abolitionist John Brown executed?
a. for his attempt to seize the arsenal at Harpers Ferry
b. for his midnight massacre for his part in “Bleeding Kansas”
c. for beating Charles Sumner with a cane
3. Under the new Fugitive Slave Act passed in 1850, Northerners could
a. buy and sell slaves in Washington, D.C.
b. Congress declared that slavery was morally wrong
c. popular sovereignty would decide the slave issue


1.The  Missouri Compromise was what nullified by the Kansas-Nebraska Act a. Missouri Compromise

The Missouri Compromise

The Kansas-Nebraska Act, passed in 1854, nullified the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The Missouri Compromise had established a line of demarcation (36°30′ parallel) across the Louisiana Purchase territory, where slavery was prohibited north of the line and allowed south of it.

2. Why was abolitionist John Brown executed?

a. for his attempt to seize the arsenal at Harpers Ferry

John Brown was executed for his role in the failed raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia) in October 1859. Brown, an ardent abolitionist, hoped to instigate a slave rebellion by seizing weapons from the arsenal and distributing them to slaves. However, his raid was quickly suppressed by U.S. Marines, and Brown was captured and subsequently tried for treason and murder, leading to his execution.

3. Under the new Fugitive Slave Act passed in 1850, Northerners could

c. popular sovereignty would decide the slave issue

This option is not related to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 strengthened the enforcement of capturing and returning escaped slaves to their owners. Under this law, Northerners could be compelled to assist in the capture and return of fugitive slaves, and federal commissioners were granted broader authority to handle fugitive slave cases. The law was highly controversial and deeply resented by many Northerners who opposed slavery.

Read more on Fugitive Slave Act  here brainly.com/question/26160636


1. A) Missouri Compromise--the Missouri Compromise divided the country in half with slavery allowed in the South and no slavery in the North. The Kansas-Nebraska Act called for popular sovereignty or voting on the issue of slavery. 

2. A) for his attempt to seize the arsenal at Harper's Ferry-- John Brown was an extreme abolitionist who wanted to help slaves out of slavery. The raid on Harper's Ferry was the goal of collecting weapons to aid in his abolitionist goals. 

3. D) Citizens who helped a runaway slave could be imprisoned-- The Fugitive Slave Act was passed with the Compromise of 1850 and required all people (Northerners included) to return runaway slaves to their owners. Those aiding or hiding fugitive slaves would face federal theft laws.