Is the louisiana purchase to the east or west of the original US territory/states?


Answer 1

I'd say west.

But I'm not sure.

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How did four candidates for president in 1860 reflect the nation's sectional differences?


John Bell, the Constitutional Party candidate for president represented the border state of Tennessee. 

John C. Breckinridge, the then incumbent Vice-President, a native of Kentucky, was the Southern Democrats' candidate for president. 

Stephen Arnold Douglas - The incumbent Senator from Illinois, was the Northern Democrats' candidate. 

Abraham Lincoln, from Illinois, was the Republican party nominee for President. 

Lincoln received 180 Electoral Votes, carrying 18 states: California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin. 

Breckinridge won 11 states -- 72 Electoral Votes. Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North carolina, South Carolina and Texas. 

Bell won the Electoral Votes of 3 states -- 39; Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. 

Douglas received the Electoral Vote of 1 state - Missouri. (12)

Hope this Helps!

On Main Street in Smalltown, USA, there are two banks that operate across the street from each other on the same block. Both banks are being audited, but have different agencies auditing each bank. What is the best explanation for this? Both banks are credit unions. One bank is a National Bank and one bank is a Federal Savings Association. Both banks are federally chartered, but one is regulated by the FED and the other is regulated by the FDIC. One bank is federally chartered and one bank is state-chartered.



Both banks are federally chartered, but one is regulated by the FED and the other is regulated by the FDIC.


This is the reason why the banks are being audited by different entities. State banks are regulated by two different federal agencies. On the one hand, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) would audit banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System. On the other hand, the Federal Reserve Board (FED) supervises those banks that are part of the Federal Reserve System.


the fdic is more i charge


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You spelled significance wrong

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Which city became the leading African American community in the United States?a. Harlem
b. Detroit
c. Chicago
d. New Orleans


The answer is a, Harlem

                                                                                                           During a period known as the 'Harlem Renaissance", many influential people led the movement to expand the culture of African Americans. This led to an greater interest in music, culture, arts, and politics by many great African American leaders. The time-period this took place was the 1920's. 

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Answer:The Economic, Political, and Social Impact of the Atlantic Slave Trade on Africa. The Transatlantic slave trade radically impaired Africa's potential to develop economically and maintain its social and political stability.


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James Madison is the correct answer