Which of the following is NOT a type of stress seen in rocks?a. shear stress.
b. transitional stress.
c. tensional stress.
d. compressional stress.


Answer 1

Transitional stress. is NOT a type of stress seen in rocks. Correct answer: B

Transitional stress is social type of stress, that denotes mental stress that is a result of transition periods in the life and stems from one's relationships with others and from the social. Rocks experience geological type of stresses.

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h =2 x=b


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one complete spin on its axis

one complete orbit around the sun


"C. one complete spin on its axis" is the correct answer. One complete orbit around the sun by a planet would be referred to as a period of rotation. Periods describe one full movement.
The Planet's period of rotation Is one complete spin on its axis.

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if people taking my city I will be sad because there is nothing


A problem my community faces would be pollution. Since I live in such a small area, pollution can be a large issue because it takes more out of the community. What I mean by that is people such as garbage collectors have to go out of their way to walk around and pick up trash instead of just emptying out trash cans, same goes for community service workers that would have to take time out of their day to walk around and pick trash up. If we could all dispose of our trash is safe and effective ways it would save our community time and work and make our environment much more healthy. It's sad to walk outside and see trash blowing through your yard when you just want to enjoy your day with family or friends, if we could all work together to make our environment a better place, I'm sure it would make us all feel a bit better and proud of where we reside. 


This is what I put, I got a 100%. Just change it up a bit cause this is my answer, but yeah you get the idea :)

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Well this is.something that you would have to discuss using your own words and perspective, but I can give you a few options that you may want to try. You can do sustainability, energy efficient goals, you.could do security goals for the US or another country in the world to prove for their future, it just depends where you stand. I wish I could have been more help, :-(