Grass obtains 10% of the energy of the Sun. When a mouse eats the grass, it gets only _____ of the Sun's energy while _____ is lost as heat. 0.1%; 0.9% 1%; 0.9% 0.01%; 0.009%


Answer 1
Answer: Grass obtains 10% of the energy of the Sun. When a mouse eats the grass, it gets only 1% of the Sun's energy while 9% is lost as heat. It has already been known that only 10% of energy gets transferred from one link of the food chain to another. The answer to this question can be easily deduced from this fact. 
Answer 2

(1%, 0.9%) simplest answer

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This question is written by a master of deception and distraction.
It's full of so many red herrings that it's tough to walk past it too closely.

In order to answer this question correctly, you don't need to know
the magnitude of the test charge, the distance it travels, or the field
strength between the plates.  The whole question lies in that magic
word "equipotential".

An 'equipotential' line is a path along which the electrical potential
is the same at every point.  It's analogous to a 'contour line' on a
topographic map, or an isobar on a weather map.

A charge moving along such a line uses no energy to travel that path,
and it encounters no change in voltage anywhere in its travels.

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Rate of change of momentum = impact force
(m*v-m*u)/t = F
4000*20/t = 80000 (note: v is zero as it stopped)
soo, t = 1 sec

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B. 5/9 degree Fahrenheit.
C. one kelvin.
D. 9/5 kelvin.


Choice  ' C '  is the only correct one.

The Celsius degree and the Kelvin are also the
same size as 9/5 (1.8) Fahrenheit degrees.
D)   9/5 kelvin is WRONG 

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Which one of the following lenses is a converging lens


Hi There! :)

Which one of the following lenses is a converging lens

Double-convex lens