Which number has only two factors ?


Answer 1
Answer: 23 has only two factors 1 and 23

Hope this helps

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is 27 it gas 2. Factors

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Divide 33 photos into two groups so the ratio is 4 to 7, please help!!!!


The ratio 4 to 7 means that for every 4 photos in one group, there are 7 in the other group. So to divide the 33 photos into two groups with the ration 4 to 7 we can make a chart where we would have group one on one side and group two on the other. On one side we would increase by 4 each time and on the other side you would increase by 7 each time. Keep going until you find a row in where the numbers add to 33. So:

Group 1 / Group 2
4 7
8 14
12 21

Here we can see that 12 + 21 = 33 So in one group we will have 12 photos and the other group we will have 21 photos

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300,000 to 1 significant figure

If x= root 7+ root 6 /root 7-root 6 then find the value of (x+1/x)




Step-by-step explanation:

x=(\sqrt7+\sqrt6)/(\sqrt7-\sqrt6)\cdot(\sqrt7+\sqrt6)/(\sqrt7+\sqrt6)=((\sqrt7+\sqrt6)^2)/((\sqrt7-\sqrt6)(\sqrt6+\sqrt7))\n\n\n\text{use}\ (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2\ \text{and}\ (a-b)(a+b)=a^2-b^2

x=((\sqrt7)^2+(2)(\sqrt7)(\sqrt6)+(\sqrt6)^2)/((\sqrt7)^2-(\sqrt6)^2)\n\n\n\text{use}\ (√(a))^2=a,\ \text{for}\ a\geq0\n\n\nx=(7+2√(42)+6)/(7-6)=(13+2√(42))/(1)=13+2√(42)\n\n(1)/(x)=(1)/(13+2√(42))\cdot(13-2√(42))/(13-2√(42))=(13-2√(42))/(13^2-(2√(42))^2)=(13-2√(42))/(169-168)\n\n(1)/(x)=13-2√(42)

I need help with this ASAP!! someone



791.28 cubic feet

Step-by-step explanation:


113.04 is the area of the top, sop now we need to multiply it by 7, to get the volume.




Step-by-step explanation:

2 pi x radius squared + 2 pi x radius  x height

2 pi= 6.28 x 36= 226.80

2 pi = 6.28 x 6 x 7 = 263.78

mr carlos buys 1,080 apples. 1/9 of the apples are rotten. he sells the rest at $2 for 10 apples. how much does he earn from the sale


(1)/(9)\cdot 1080=120\n1080-120=960\n960:10=96\n96 \cdot \$2=\$192\n\nAnswer:Mr\ Carlos\ will\ earn\ \$192\ for\ the\ sale.



Step-by-step explanation:

Mr. Carlos sells 1080 * 8/9 = 960 apples

960 apples * $2/10 apples = $192

HELP PLEASE! =)Which would be the best way to display the data—a bar graph, a histogram, or a line graph?

I think a bar graph because it is more accurate. please help and tell me why you chose the one you chose.
This is the graph:
1998 45 in sales
1999 5 in sales
2000 15 in sales
2001 30 in sales
2002 50 in sales


A bar graph would be the correct answer