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Please Please Please Help Me With This Science Sheet!!!!!! - 1


Answer 1
Answer: #5. The Rabbitt population is followed by an increase in the lynx because the rabbit is the lynxs food when there are more rabbits more lynx will come                                                                                                                       #7.when the rabbits population decreases the lynxs decreases because the rabbit is the lynxs food source and when their is no food the starve this is called famine                                                                 #6 whenever the population of the lynx rises the rabbits decreases because it is being eaten by the lynx                                                    #8  Whenever the lynx population drops the rabbits rise because the rabbit has less chance of being preyed upon                                                                              

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Coach Wood's class is trying determine what factor is most important in the growth of earthworms. Each day, they take theMETRIC length of four different worms in four different soil samples. Today, it is Moore's turn to measure the earthworms. For theworm above, Moore records a length of 6.0 cm. Explain whether Moore's recording is accurate and why.A)The earthworm length is shorter than 6.0 cm because the worm is curved.B)The earthworm length is shorter than 6.0 cm because Moore used theincorrect units.C)The earthworm length is longer than 6.0 cm because the worm needs tobe straightened.D)The earthworm measurement is accurate because Moore subtracted thebeginning and ending points from the ruler.
Which of the following about abiotic factors in ecosystems is true?a. Abiotic factors in healthy ecosystems are not in balance. b. Abiotic factors are located in the soil of ecosystems only. c. Abiotic factors are part of a dynamic system. d. Abiotic factors in ecosystems are used up by the living components.

A ____ is a group of individuals in a single species that mate and interact with one another in a limited geographic area


ecology-The scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their environment, or surroundings.

biosphere-Contains the combined portions of the planet in which all of life exists, including land, water, and air, or atmosphere.

species-A group of organisms so similar to one another that they can breed and produce fertile offspring.

populations-Groups of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area.

communities-Assemblages or different populations that live together in a defined area.

ecosystems-Assemblages or different populations that live together in a defined area.

biome-Assemblages or different populations that live together in a defined area.

atotrophes-Only plants, some algae, and certain bacteria that can capture energy from sunlight or chemicals and use that energy to produce food

producers-Those that can capture energy from sunlight and those that capture chemical energy.


Those that can capture energy from sunlight and those that capture chemical energy.

Photosynthesis -Autotrophs use light energy to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy-rich carbohydrates such as sugars and starches.

Chemosythesis-When organisms use chemical energy to produce carbohydrates.

Heterotrophs-Organisms that rely on other organisms for their energy and food supply

Consumers-A.K.A. Heterotrophs

Herbivores-Heterotrophs that obtain energy by eating only plants

Carnivores-Eat animals

Omnivores-Eat both plants and animals

Detritovores-Feed on plant and animal remains and other dead matter

Decomposers-Breaks down organic matte

Food chain-A series if steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten.

Food web-When the feeding relationships among the various organisms in an ecosystem form a network of complex interactions

Trophic level-Each step in a food chain or food web

Ecological pyramid-A diagram that shows the relative amounts of energy or matter contained within each trophic level in a food chain or food web.


Ecological pyramid

A diagram that shows the relative amounts of energy or matter contained within each trophic level in a food chain or food web.

Biomass -The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level

Biogeochemical cycles-When elements, chemical compounds, and other forms of matter are passed from one organism to another and from one part of the biosphere to another.

Evaporation-The process by which water changes from liquid form to an atmospheric gas.

Transpiration-The process of which water can also enter the atmosphere by evaporating from the leaves of plants.



The process of which water can also enter the atmosphere by evaporating from the leaves of plants.

Nutrients -All the chemical substances that an organism needs to sustain life.

Nitrogen fixation-Such bacteria, which live in the soil and on the roots of plants called legumes, convert nitrogen gas into ammonia.

Denitrification-Nitrogen fixation

Such bacteria, which live in the soil and on the roots of plants called legumes, convert nitrogen gas into ammonia.

Denitrification -The process of which other soil bacteria convert nitrates into nitrogen gas.

The biosphere-All of life on Earth exists in a region known as

Community-Groups of different species that live together in defined area make up a(an)

Food chain-The series of steps in which a large fish eats a small fish that has eaten algae is a

Biomass pyramid-The total mass of living tissue at each trophic level can be shown in a(an)

Biogeochemical cycles-Nutrients move through an ecosystem in

Phosphorus cycle-What biogeochemical cycle does NOT involve a stage where the chemical enters the atmosphere?

Limiting nutrient-When an ecosystem is limited by a single nutrient that either is scarce or cycles very slowly, this substance is called a(an)

i hope this helps on this question and the rest of your homework/quiz

What is usually measured in cubic meters per second


The flow of water is the most common thing that's often measured in cubic meters per second. This is the basis of measurements that's used by researchers in studying streams, waterfalls, and other methods where liquid flows.

Check your understanding. Which items did youinclude? Check all that apply.
The gene coding for the protein untwists and
O RNA nucleotides form complimentary base
pairs with the DNA bases.
Hydrogen bonds and sugar-phosphate bonds
form and the mRNA strand is synthesized.
mRNA peels off the DNA and moves to the


RNA nucleotides form complimentary base pairs with DNA bases.  Hydrogen and sugar-phosphate bonds form and the mRNA is synthesized.


The process of mRNA formed by DNA is called transcription. The genes coding for the protein is present on DNA as a nitrogenous base or nucleotides.

Transcription takes place inside the nucleus with the assistance of major enzyme RNA polymerase. In transcription 5'to3' single strand of RNA is synthesized which is complementary to the 3'to5' strand of DNA. The sequence of DNA has promoter sites which will be recognized and DNA will unzip to form transcription bubble. Several transcription factors and enzyme will be required to synthesize mRNA.

This mRNA after some modification would become primary transcript and pass on to the cytoplasm where protein synthesis will take place.


b and c


i did it

Up Name 1. A large pool of trash, known to be the size of 3 Texas, floats around in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Pollution from humans on land, and boaters in the ocean have created this patch of trash. How does this pool of trash most likely impact the marine life in the Pacific Ocean? A. Different species of marine animals have multiplied. B. Marine animals have died by mistaking trash for food or getting tangled up in it. C. All the marine animals have moved to a new location. D. Marine life has not been impacted in any Way.


The correct answer is b
The correct answer is b

What is a fine-grained material that has been transported and deposited by the wind ? A. Loess

B. Sandblast

C. Slip face

D. Sand dunes


Answer: Loess is the fine grained material that has been transported and deposited by the wind.The answer isA.


Since the wind can carry these types of material (find grained) father than sand, and also higher up, they are generally found very far from their original place of origin.

Loess is no larger than 50 micrometers in size. It is coarse in texture like clay, but finer than a grain of salt.

Many bacteria are able to pass small pieces of the hereditary information on their DNA from one bacterial cell to another. This can sometimes result in an increase in the number of drug-resistant bacteria. What name is given to the process by which one bacteria transfers DNA to another? A) sporolysis B) conjugation C) gametic transfer D) haploid translocation



The process in which one bacteria transfers DNA to another is called conjugation.  


Conjugation is the process of transferring genetic material from one bacteria to another through direct cell contact. In the process of conjugation one bacteria acts as donor and transfer the DNA to a recipient. There is a specific DNA sequence present in Donor's DNA called fertility factor (F factor). F factor helps in the formation of pillus which is the site of genetic material transfer.