Canada is in a strong position to trade with nations around the world because it _____.


Answer 1
Answer: Canada has a lot of natural resources -this is one of the reasons why it's in such a strong position. Another reason why it's so strong is that it has ports on both the Atlantic Coast and the Pacific coast - so it can trade with both Europe, Africa and Asia. 

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Which two countries border Peru to the north?Brazil


Ecuador & Columbia

Both are Bordering Peru in the North.


Ecuador , Columbia


lol this was almost five years ago

hey points are points :>

Carl is on an expedition to the bottom of the ocean. As the submersible sets down on the ocean floor, it is resting on what layer of the earth?


Carl is still on the outermost layer of the Earth - he would have to drill through it to get to the inner layers (mantle and core). This layer is called the Crust and this is the correct answer.

You can also be more specific and say that Carl is on the Oceanic, not continental Crust.

Earlier in the body of text this question was provided for, you should be able to find the passages: "No matter where you walk, you are walking on the crust of the earth. You would be on the crust even if you were walking along the bottom of the ocean."  and "The lithosphere is the crust and the uppermost, rigid portion of the mantle. The crust can vary in thickness, and is made of two different types: oceanic crust and continental crust."

Answer: Lithosphere

In Japan, the government _____ in business activities.has never taken part
has shown little interest
plays an important role
is prohibited from taking part



plays an important role


    Based on a flexible production system, toyotist, Japan achieved a good stage of growth throughout the twentieth century, growing at rates above 5% per annum during the 1970s and becoming the second largest economy on the planet. The country had adopted a line of consumption compression and state protection of large companies. However, since the 1990s, the Japanese development model has been in crisis due to a collapse in the banking and real estate financial system, as well as the fact that the country has allowed banks and business conglomerates to associate, which has diminished free competition and economic efficiency.

Janice, a tourist, wishes to visit a Southeast Asian island that is famous for its teas and coffees. Where should she go?


If this person wishes to visit a Southeast Asian island that is famous for its teas and coffees, she would most likely want to go to the island of Sumatra. 

I think the correct answer would be D

Which of the following is a divergent boundary?a. Continental-continental
b. Transform
c. Oceanic-continental
d. Rift valley


Among the choices given, an example of the divergent boundary is letter C. Oceanic-continental. When we speak of divergent boundary, we also refer to the constructive or extensional boundary. This is a feature which is linear in nature and exist between two tectonic plates that tend to move away from each other.

Over the epochs, Indiana has migrated from below the equator to its current position well above. The state has been submerged under shallow seas more than once. This periodic rise and fall of waters over the land lead to the deposition of many layers of sediment and the formation of ____________ rock.



Indiana limestone rocks


Indiana is a state in the United State, within the North American region. Indiana has traveled from the near South polar region to its current position crossing the equator in its geological past. The state has been submerged periodically under the water. The continuous rise and fall of the sea level have led to the formation of the limestone rocks which is commonly known as the Indiana limestones. The area is highly rich in caves and quarries. These limestones are rich in fossil assemblages. In addition to this, there occurs tillite, a sedimentary type of rock comprised of glacial tills.