Где и когда происходят события? из сказа Бажова ХРУПКАЯ ВЕТОЧКА


Answer 1
Answer: Урал, 18-19 век. "Могучий горный хребет прорезает с севера на юг необозримые просторы русских равнин. Это Урал, в недрах которого хранятся несметные природные богатства: золото и драгоценные камни, медь и каменный уголь, мрамор и малахит. Еще при Петре Первом здесь были обоснованы первые заводы и рудники. На Урале сама земля рождала легенды и сказки. Горщики, рудобои, медеплавильщики и камнерезы искали объяснения земляным богатствам и создавали легенды, в которых нашла поэтические отражение любовь русских людей к родной земле." События сказов Бажова, вероятнее всего, происходят в 19 или 18 веке, а иногда и без времени.

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How to say hello in 10 different languages- Easy to spell


No translator used to make this.
These ways of say hello may be informal or formal but they are all ways in saying it.

1. Ne-how (ni-how)-Chinese/Mandarin

2. Salut (sa-lot) or buna (buu-nah)-Romanian

3. Bonjour (bond-jour)-French

4. Hola (hoh-lah)-Spanish

5. Ahnnyeong (ahn-nee-ong)-Korean (not sure if thats the correct way in spelling it)

6. Shalom (shal-ohm)-Hebrew

7. Gutentag (guuu-ten-tag)-Dutch? Positive it is

8. ohayauu (ohhha-yaaee)-Japanese (not sure if pronounced right) In Japanese, we usually say "Konnichiwa" instead which means "good afternoon" in Japanese

9. Aloha (aaa-lo-haah)-Hawaiian native speaking

10. Privet (preev-it)-Russian.

Maybe its a good thing that my bro practices saying "hi" in a bunch of languages;)
Alot of languages say hallo, hai, hej, hello, hi, etc as an informal way in saying "hello/hi"

1. English- Hello
2. Spanish- Hola
3. French- Bonjour
4. Vietnamese- Xin chao'
5. Latin- Salve
6. Zulu- Sawubona
7. Norwegian- Hallo
8. Romanian- alo
9. Galician- Ola
10. Croatian- Bok

In China they have a much more complex age system then a lot of other places in the world, why is that?


Age reckoning originated in China, where it’s believed that a baby’s age starts from its time in the mother’s womb. The practice is also common in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam.
“One; it was supposed to have a positive effect on Japanese people because they would be one year younger.
Two; it eliminated the disadvantages of being born right at the end of the year which meant you turned two years old at the beginning of the following year. For example, this could impact your marriage prospects if you were a woman.

Three; it was felt that the Japanese age system needed to be brought into line with standard international practice.”
Age reckoning originated in China, where it’s believed that a baby’s age starts from its time in the mother’s womb.

Nepal bata ko ko hun
hajir houn ta



नेपाल बता को को हुन

हाजिर होँ ता


Tell nepal to

To be present


hello I'm from Nepal......

Redactează o naraţiune de 150 – 300 de cuvinte, în care să prezinți o întâmplare petrecută în timpul unui spectacol.



Scrierea unei povești despre un incident dintr-un spectacol.


Trupa noastră preferată a decis să vină în orașul nostru în turneu în sezonul estival. Eu și prietenii mei am adus cu toții bilete și am fost foarte încântați să le vedem performând. Ne-am îmbrăcat și am mers la concert.

Am vrut să înregistrez fiecare secundă a performanței lor. Cântau cântece din ultimul lor album. Nu-mi venea să cred că îi urmăream în direct. În curând, m-am apropiat de scenă și mi-am dat seama, vocea lor era preînregistrare și totul era pe auto-play. Am fost atât de dezamăgit încât am plecat imediat.

What does it mean when they say you can wear a top???


It means you can wear some sort of shirt or t-shirt. 
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