Before the Civil War, one example of increased democracy was thea. elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections.
b. granting of the right to vote to women.
c. elimination of the electoral college system for electing the President.
d. extension of suffrage to most African Americans.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "a. elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections." Before the Civil War, one example of increased democracy was the elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections.

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I ____English now.

The boy ____ for his English exam for months.

A.Had studied
B.Will have studied
D.Am studying



had studied

am studying

was studying


1. Had studied

2. Study/Am studying

3. Will have studied


those are the answers that make the most sense

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genetic variation and mutation plays the role of natural selection due to the survival of the finest ideal. if the genetic variation or mutation that occurs helps the animal or species survive then the species will live on. however is if the mutation or variation leave the species weaker then the species could die off in natural selection.

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B) door-in-the-face technique.
C) norm of reciprocity.
D) lowballing technique.


its a she stopped him from leaving

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i believe the answer is war between dubai and isreal
The Great Schism: When Michael Cerularius converted to christanity, the Roman Catholic Church excommunicated him, resulting in the formation of the Eastern Othodox Church.

In the period following the Second World War, cities in which of the following regions were profoundly shaped by government central planning ministries?A) Latin American city
B) East European city
C) North American city
D) West European city


Government central-planning ministries are a prominent feature of postwar Soviet communism. 

So the best answer is B. Easter European cities like Minsk, Kiev, Bucharest, and Warsaw all found themselves within the Soviet Union, or within the Soviet sphere of influence, after the war. Since many of these cities had also suffered widespread destruction during the war, they required rebuilding, which was often undertaken according to the socialist ideals promoted by Soviet communism.

A is wrong because, although many Latin American countries experienced aggressive communist insurgencies or takeovers, the communist presence in Latin America rarely resulted in the centralized re-planning of cities.

C is wrong because North America had no meaningful communist presence, and certainly no communist-guided central planning of cities. Same goes for Western Europe, which rules out D.

Successful dieters engage in all of the following exceptA) exercising 30 minutes a day.
B) planning meals.
C) taking vitamin supplements each day.
D) weighing themselves daily.


b planning meals