Which is most commonly associated with the presidencies of Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding?a. depression in business
b. corruption of public officials
c. humanitarian reforms
d. territorial expansion


Answer 1
Answer: Corruption of public officials is most commonly associated with the presidencies of Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "b". Both the presidents of the United States of America were plagued by serious scandals that involved the members that found a place in their cabinet.

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true because they can see other people as more human once they have met them

Answer: A.) True

Racial relations do tend to improve with desegregation as students learn about people who are different than they are in terms of race, ethnicity, and class.

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B. using the horn frequently
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The answer is B because it shows that following the laws ofbthe road can maintain a safe driving environment so that ypu could be safe from any harm.

Is medical terminology easy?



No. Medical terminology can be confusing. It is not impossible, but it is indeed quite challenging.


Just so you get a feel of the complexity of Medical terminology here are a few medical terminology prefixes.

Brachi/o – Arm.

Cardi/o – Heart.

Cyt/o – Cell.

Derm/a, derm/o, dermat/o – Skin.

Encephal/o – Brain.

Gastr/o – Stomach.

Hemat/o – Blood.

Hist/o, histi/o – Tissue.


no cause it can be confusing.


Which of the following actions might be taken to protect a species listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act? l. Dividing the natural habitat of the species into isolated fragments
ll. Making it illegal for humans to hunt individual members of the species
lll. Breeding individual members of the species in captivity
I only
II only
I and II only
II and III only



II only. i.e making it illegal for humans to hunt individual members of the species.


The Endangered Species Act is one of US's prominent acts. It gives the general public (state and federal) obligation to protect all endangered plants and animals and even the habitats where they dwell. This act focuses mainly on protection and recovery of imperiled species and the environment upon which they thrive. The act, mentioning but a few,;

1. makes it illegal for humans to hunt individual members of the endangered species.

2. obligates state and federal agencies to ensure that actions approved, authorized or funded are not in any way a threat to the continued existence of these species.

3. allows authorities to determine whether or not a specie can be tagged as endangered.

The law does not state explicitly whether or not to divide the natural habitat of the species into isolated fragments neither does it talk about breeding individual members of the species in captivity.

Hope this helps!


I am pretty sure it is II and III only


Making it illegal to hunt them will protect them, especially if it is a major factor in their endangerment. Breeding the species in captivity can help the population grow without having to worry about them surviving in the wild.

Dividing the ntural habitat will split up the species and will not help them survive longer than they already would.

Which of the following traits would you expect a successful graduate student to be high in?A) neuroticism
B) introversion
C) intelligence
D) conscientiousness


Heh, well, you could put introversion if you wanted to make fun of the graduate students, I suppose.

Intelligence is likely to be the answer- a successful graduate student needs to be clever.

Which part of the dream is remembered by the dreamer?A) latent content
B) transference content
C) manifest content
D) resistance content


C. Is he answer your looking for it's the part of the dream that is remembered,and the hidden meaning of the dream.