The Marine barracks in this nation were destroyed by a terrorist bomb during the Reagan administration.


Answer 1
Answer: Lebanon. was the nation the marine barracks were destroyed

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If it was the First World War, it would be the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman telegram.  This caused Americans to abandon their isolationist policy and join the First World War.  If it was WWII, it could be bombing of Pearl Harbor.


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Positives include the amount of Oil some countries have . That makes the economy bring in more money . 

Negatives, there still isn't a lot of technology for everyone so they can't connect to the rest of the world and possibly make the country better (improving speed )
Well a positive for "modernization", better worded as "westernization" would be that their economies would flourish, their wouldn't be as many rouge extremist organizations running around. But a major downside to this, which is why we are currently in the middle of a "war on terror" with them is because they don't want us there, they don't want to "westernize". They believe that it would violate their beliefs and islamist traditions, which it certainly would.

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Option: competition for jobs. In context, during the second half of 1800's many Asian immigrants came and settle in the U.S. More than 25,000 Chinese had migrated by the 1850's lured by the gold rush.  

This massive immigration of newcomers resulted in an anti-migrant sentiment especially among the Anglo-Saxon Protestant population. The newcomers were seen as competion for jobs.  Also the arrival of many Catholics, especially the Irish created the anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic American sentiment.

The massive migration of Chinese made the goverment restrict them from coming to America. The Chinese Exclusion Act banned these workers to come to California since they were blamed for the decline in wages since they were willing to work for less.

One reason for anti-immigrant sentiment in the early 1900s was "competition for jobs," since people felt that immigrants from other nations were "stealing" domestic jobs. 

This 1794 uprising was the first real challenge to the new nation's ability to enforce laws and maintain national security.


Answer: Whiskey Rebellion

The Whiskey Rebellion was a tax protest in the United States during the presidency of George Washington. The "whiskey tax" was the first tax that the new federal government imposed on a domestic product. Although the tax applied to all distilled spirits, it became known as the "whiskey tax" due to the popularity of the beverage.

Complete the following paragraph about the causes of world war 1.​
