Why did the colonists fortify Breed's Hill


Answer 1
Answer: They fortified Breed's Hill because they found out a british plan to do the same.

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What type of government do Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel have?


Saudi Arabia is a monarchy
The leader of Saudi Arabia is King Salman. 
He became king when his father, King Abdullah, died.

Iran is a theocracy, governed by Islam.  The country has an
elected president, parliament, and "Assembly of Experts". 
According to the constitution all candidatesrunning for these
positions must be approved by the Guardian Councilbefore
being elected.  Finally, the Assembly of Experts appoints the
Supreme Leader, who has the final say.

Israel is a parliamentary democracy, with a great number of active
political parties, freedom of speech and religion, several very vocal
newspapers, and a strong judicial system (courts).  The members of
parliament are elected by all citizens of the country, including men
and women, of all religions and ethnicities.  There is no 'test' for
citizenship that specifies any religious, ethnic, or gender qualification
or requirement.


both are monarchies


B.) Well duh- study more

In South Africa, the President is elected by members of the National Assembly who are elected by the citizens. This means that South Africa has WHICH type of government?A)
unitary system
direct democracy
confederal system
parliamentary democracy

Please help, Ill give 5 stars, thanks, and Best answer (Need help quick)


The President iselected by membersof the National Assembly through a Parliamentarydemocracy type of government.

What is Parliamentary democracy?

A democratic type of government known as a parliamentary system is one in which the party  with the most representation in the legislature establishes the government, with the leader of that party serving as prime minister or chancellor.

Decisionsare made in Cabinet meetings since it is not practicable for all ministers to meet frequently and discuss everything.

Because of this, parliamentary democracy is frequently referred to as the Cabinet form of governance in most nations. The Cabinet functions as a unit.

Presidential democracies are those in which the existence of the government does not depend on a parliamentary majority.

Parliamentary democracies are those in which the head of state is not chosen by the people for a set term and the existence of the government is dependent on a legislative majority.

Learn more about Parliamentary democracy, here



♥ In South Africa, the President is elected by members of the National Assembly who are elected by the citizens. This means that South Africa has parliamentary democracy

Do muslim's believe in that there is more than one God?


NOPE, not at ALL.
I am Alhamdulillah muslim so you are getting this from a PRIMARY source.
We believe that there is only ONE God, and his name is Allah.
He has no son, and no relatives, and he is the Almighty & Powerful.
We believe that Jesus (may peace & blessings be upon him), is his prophet, and nothing more of that.
We pray DIRECTLY to God, and don't substitute him for ANYTHING!
I hope I helped, and PLEASE choose my answer as the Brainliest!
Thank you! =D
Yes, they believe in Allah and Muhammad. However they believe that there was a man named Jesus but they don't believe he's the son of God.

Why so many women and children worked in industrial labor force


Beacause men thought they could dominate the world because of thief gender they felt women and children were less so they had to be mistreated
well i can tell you that women where allot easier to handel then men back then and the cildren where able to get into small places that the grownups could not and the children where easy to use .they didnt get paid much and if they did somthing wrong they got beat. 

also the men would fight back and where hard to handel so  women toke over ther jobs because they where alot eaiser to handel.like i said 

What was the impact of the Olive Branch Petition?


John Dickinson drafted the Olive Branch Petition, which was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 5 and submitted to King George on July 8, 1775. It was an attempt to assert the rights of the colonists while maintaining their loyalty to the British crown.

Final answer:

The Olive Branch Petition was a final attempt by the Second Continental Congress to restore peace with Great Britain, but it was rejected by King George III. This rejection further fueled the colonists' desire for independence and eventually led to the Declaration of Independence in 1776.


The Olive Branch Petition was a significant event in the lead-up to the American Revolution. It was a final attempt by the Second Continental Congress to restore peace and harmony with Great Britain. The impact of the Olive Branch Petition was that it revealed a divide between those who still sought reconciliation with Britain and those who were ready for independence.

The Olive Branch Petition was sent to King George III in 1775, expressing the colonists' grievances and requesting a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, the petition was rejected by the king and the British government.

This rejection solidified the belief among many colonists that the only path forward was to pursue independence. It further fueled the growing sentiment for revolution and ultimately led to the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

Learn more about the impact of the Olive Branch Petition here:



What areas were taken by Britain in the south?


Sorry only know three colonies taken by the British: South Africa, Rhodesia, and Bechuanaland