How do i translate Batir la mantequilla, agregar el azúcar y seguir batiendo. Echar los huevos uno a uno batiendo bien hasta que estén totalmente incorporados. Agregar la harina cernida y la cocoa, y a?adir un poco de la leche, mezclando bien, hasta obtener una masa uniforme. Llevar la masa al horno precalentado a 350° F en un molde enmantequillado y enharinado por media hora in spanish


Answer 1

Batir la mantequilla, agregar el azúcar y seguir batiendo. Echar los huevos uno a uno batiendo bien hasta que estén totalmente incorporados. Agregar la harina cernida y la cocoa, y añadir un poco de la leche, mezclando bien, hasta obtener una masa uniforme. Llevar la masa al horno precalentado a 350° F en un molde enmantequillado y enharinado por media hora.


Mix the butter, add sugar and keep mixing. Add the eggs one by one mixing well until they are totally incorporated. Add the sifted flour and the cocoa, and add a bit of the milk, mixing well, until obtaining a uniformed dough. Take the dough to the 350° F preheated oven in a buttered and floured mold for half hour.


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After looking through the sentence comparison examples, what do you think the guidelines are that tell you when to use the different forms of "you?"Write down your thoughts about this grammar principle. Specifically, write down a "rule" that you think Spanish uses to explain the difference between tú and usted.

Then check out the grammar pattern in the next link to see if your hunch was correct.


“Usted” is generally more formal, while “tú” is a more formal use of the Word you. You would use usted when referring to teachers, people of authority, and your elders, while tú is more appropriate for friends and family members.

I think tú form ends in an s when you use it, such as “tú hablas”, meaning you talk. It seems like the usted form just ends in the vowel of that verb, like in the 3rd person, for example “usted habla”

The difference between the different forms of "you" in Spanish is that one is used in informal conversations and the other in formal conversations.

Use of pronouns "usted" and "."

Although in English there is only one pronoun that translates these two, in Spanish one or the other is used depending on the type of conversation that you want to carry out.

The pronoun "usted" is used in formal situations, that means occasions such as referring to superiors, in age or rank, as well as when attending formal events. Below are some examples with their conjugated verb:

  • ¿Cómo se encuentra el día de hoy?
  • Ustedluce bien.

For its part, the pronoun "" is used in informal conversations, that is, when dealing with friends, family or trusted people, some examples of this are:

  • eres mi mejor amigo.
  • ¿Quieres salir esta noche?

Its usefulness must be taken into account because sometimes you can offend another person by speaking with the pronoun "" without having the confidence to do so.

If you want to learn more about Spanish, you can visit the following link:

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