One thing that ALL biogeochemical cycles have in common isthey involve the movement of specific chemicals between living and non-living things.

they involve the changing of carbon into carbon dioxide.

they are pathways for elements that get passed between only non-living things.


Answer 1
they involve the movement of specific chemicals between living and non-living things.

The biogeochemical cycles move through mainly the biotic and abiotic components of the earth, more elaborately the spheres -biospheres, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere regions of the ecosystem. These biogeochemical cycles, from its terminology and discernable word morphology- involves the biological, geological and chemical components that make out to complete an exact and purposed cycle. 
Answer 2

Final answer:

All biogeochemical cycles share the common trait of facilitating the movement of specific chemicals between living and non-living entities in an ecosystem. They cycle essential substances like water, carbon, nitrogen, and others through the environment.


All biogeochemical cycles indeed have one crucial aspect in common: they involve the movement of specific chemicals between living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components of an ecosystem.

The cycles include important substances like water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur which are cycled through the environment.

To specify, these are not cycles that only involve the conversion of carbon into carbon dioxide or paths that get passed between only the non-living things. Instead, in these cycles, elements are passed back and forth between living and non-living matter in a continuous loop, which provides essential nutrients to support life on Earth.

Learn more about biogeochemical cycles here:


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A) Radius of vessel


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the answer is D. it shows how the population changed because the shorter legged animals survived and continued the population while the long legged animals died away.

Final answer:

Natural selection occurs when there is variation within a species, inheritance of the variations, and a limit on resources. This leads to individuals with advantageous traits having a higher chance of survival and reproduction. The best example given was a population of mammals that evolved to have shorter legs due to a change in their habitat.


Natural selection is a crucial mechanism of evolution and it occurs when three conditions are present: variation within a species, inheritance of those variations, and a population limitation on resources consumed. This leads to a survival competition, where advantageous traits increase an individual's chances of survival and reproduction, thus passing these traits onto the offspring.

In the given options, the description that fits most closely with natural selection is: 'D. A population of mammals varies in the length of their legs, water levels rise and the habitat becomes swampy, the individuals with shorter legs are better able to swim to food, the population evolves to become shorter-legged'. This example demonstrates genetic variation (the different leg lengths), selection pressure (the change in habitat), and selection advantage (shorter legs being more suitable for the new conditions).

Learn more about Natural Selection here:


A few bacteria are placed in a nutrient solution. after several hours thousands of bacteria are present. which life activities are primarily responsible for this?


The answer is "Digestion and Reproduction"

When placing few bacteria on a nutrient solution, and for several hours it multiplies. The activities which take place in the scenario is the digestion and reproduction. Digestion occurs when the bacteria fed on the nutrient solution and Reproduction occurs when the bacteria gives birth to new bacteria.

The ____ protein is embedded in the membrane of Agrobacterium and senses the presence of acetosyringone from the wounded plant cell. (In your answer include the full name of the protein: for example ChvX or VirX, instead of the X protein.)



The _VirA_ protein is embedded in the membrane of Agrobacterium and senses the presence of acetosyringone from the wounded plant cell.


VirA is a protein histidine kinase which detects certain phenolic compounds and sugars. Wounded plants areas are typically contains these compounds. This site is a potential infection site for Agrobacterium tumefaciens as a result VirA is used by Agrobacterium tumefaciens to locate it and cause damage.

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The statement which best describes cancer cells is that: D. They are not regulated by contact inhibition.

Cancer can be defined as the uncontrolled division of certain bodycells, which then invade the surrounding tissues of the body and interfere with the body's normal function.

Basically, cancer cells are caused when various body cells grow and divide more than they are required or they fail to when necessary (required).

Generally, some examples of cancer are:

  • Prostrate cancer.
  • Carcinoma.
  • Breast cancer.

The growth and division of body cells is controlled by cyclin-dependent protein kinases (Cdks) and regulated by subunits called cyclins during contact inhibition.

In conclusion, cancer cells are caused when body cells are not regulated by contact inhibition, which may be due to exposure to extremely dangerous radioactive substances such as gamma ray, uranium etc.

Read more:

They are Not regulated by contact inhibition. The other 3 options are not characteristics of a cancer cell. Cancer cells have unlimited cell division, no anchorage dependent inhibition, no contact inhibition, and forms tumors - hence they don't form a single layer of cells

Gram-negative bacteria have a cell wall that is and does not accept the stain, making it appear .


Gram-negative bacteria have a cell wall that is thin and does not accept the stain, making it appear red or pink.

Gram staining is used for differentiation gram-positive from gram-negative bacteria based on the characteristic of their cell wall. Gram-negative bacteria have a thinner cell wall than gram-positive bacteria. In this staining, bacteria are first stained with crystal violet dye. Only gram-positive bacteria will be violet colored because they can retain the dye thanks to their cell wall. The second staining with fuchsine or safranin will give the red or pink color to the gram-negative bacteria. 

Answer: "thick" "pink"
