Which change decreases the resistance of a piece of copper wire


Answer 1
Answer: The only easy ways ti decrease the resistance of a piece of wire are...

==> pack the wire in ice; make it colder.

==> cut a piece off of the wire; make it shorter.

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A gas has an initial volume of 24.6 L at a pressure of 1.90 atm and a temperature of 335 K. The pressure of the gas increases to 3.50 atm, and the volume of the gas increases to 31.3 L.


The problem can be solved by using the formula associated with the gas laws. It is as follows:



P1 = 1.9 atm
V1 = 24.6 L
T1 = 335 K 

P2 = 3.5 atm
V2 = 31.3 L 
T2 = ?

Substituting the given:

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2
(1.9 * 24.6)/335 = (3.5 * 31.3)/T2
T2 = 785.18 K

A rain gutter is to be constructed from a metal sheet of width 30 cm by bending up one-third of the sheet on each side through an angle θ . How should θ be chosen so that the gutter will carry the maximum amount of water?





The volume of the water carried will be proportional to the cross-sectional area. The cross-section is a trapezoid with height 10sint, where t represents theta. The top of the trapezoid is 10+(2)(10cost), i.e. 10 + 20cost. The base of the trapezoid is 10.

Area of trapezoid = (average of bases) times (height)

= ([10 + (10 +20cost)] / 2 ) 10 sint

= (10 + 10cost)(10sint)

= 100sint + 100sintcost, call this A(t). You need to maximize. So differentiate and set equal to zero.

dA/dt = -100sin(t)^2+100cos(t)+100cos(t)^2 = 0, divide by 100:

-sin(t)^2 + cos(t) + cos(t)^2 = 0, replace sin^2 by 1-cos^2

2cos(t)^2 + cos(t) - 1 = 0, factor

(1+cos(t))(2cos(t)-1)=0, so  

cos(t)=1, t=0 that give a min (zero area) not a max, or

cos(t) = 1/2, so t=60 degrees. This gives the max.

A man pushes on a box at an angle of 30.0° with a force of 20.0 N and the box moves across the floor. Which of the following component of the force do you use to calculate work?


Not sure what the given options are, but the answer is the horizontal component. This is given by Force x cos(angle), or Fcos(θ), where θ is the angle. In this case that would be 20cos(30) = 17.32N

What is the use if having a control condition in an investigation​



Thus, including a control condition allows researchers to compare the way things are in the presence of an independent variable with the way things would have been in the absence of an independent variable.


Thus, including a control condition allows researchers to compare the way things are in the presence of an independent variable with the way things would have been in the absence of an independent variable.

What are the 6 principles of relative age dating? Please this is due today


Principles of relative dating

Uniformitarianism. ...

Intrusive relationships. ...

Cross-cutting relationships. ...

Inclusions and components. ...

Original horizontality. ...

Superposition. ...

Faunal succession. ...

Lateral continuity.


When the mass of an object increases, the force of gravityincreases.
remains the same.
becomes irregular.


The forces of gravity between two objects depend on the masses
of both objects.  So if one mass increases, then the objects will be
drawn together by stronger gravitational force.

When a person eats a lot of steak and fat and carbohydrates, his
mass increases, and the bathroom scale shows that the gravitational
forces drawing him and the Earth together have increased.  We say
that he has "gained weight".

the amount of directly tied to the mass of the object... if the object has less mass, so does the amount of gravity...