In "Boy Flying," what does the boy miss? a. the feel of the cool air on his face as he soars above the clouds
b. the view of the world and peace and quiet from high above the ground
c. the way the world looks, smells, sounds, and feels from the ground


Answer 1
Answer: D definitely because we'll just cause trust me on this okay

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On letter writing what is the tone of the passage​

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Basically how the author or writer puts out their message in writing. 
basically how the author or writer puts out their message in writing

Question 11 (1 point) Questions #11–15 are based on the following soliloquy from Hamlet, Act III, Scene i:

“To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin?”

Which of the following BEST describes the conflict in this soliloquy by Hamlet?

Question 11 options:

An internal conflict about whether it is better to live or to die.

An internal conflict about whether to kill his stepfather or not.

An external conflict with his friends and family who are opposed to his taking up arms to fight the enemy.

An external conflict with his priest about whether it is moral to take another person's life or not.

Question 12 (1 point)
What character traits are revealed through the author's use of imagery in this soliloquy given by Hamlet?

Question 12 options:

Hamlet reveals that he is lazy, sleepy, and unhappy.

Hamlet reveals that he is angry, violent, and vengeful.

Hamlet reveals that he is thoughtful, confused, and indecisive.

Hamlet reveals that he is indifferent to what other people say or think about him.

Question 13 (1 point)
The line, "To be, or not to be," from Hamlet's soliloquy is one of the most famous lines in literature. Which of the following statements about this line is not correct?

Question 13 options:

Shakespeare refers to suicide, a taboo topic.

Shakespeare ponders life and death, a memorable topic.

Shakespeare avoids using any imagery in this specific line but follows it with many images.

The line reveals that the speaker is confident in his opinions about mortality.

Question 14 (1 point)
The tone of the “To be or not to be” soliloquy can best be characterized as:

Question 14 options:





Question 15 (1 point)
What purpose does the repetition of “the” serve towards the end of the “To be or not to be” soliloquy?

Question 15 options:

It provides harshness, to help readers realize how alarming Hamlet’s death would be.

It mirrors the vast number of problems Hamlet is facing, like a list.

It shows that Hamlet is rambling and not making much sense.

It marks Hamlet’s decisiveness at the end of the soliloquy, making up his mind to kill Claudius.


The answer to question 11 is An internal conflict about whether it is better to live or to die. The inner conflict of Hamlet is not only towards his father's murder but also against the right thing to do, so in any case, would it be correct to finish a life?

The other options are not possible since Hamlet has many kinds of inner conflicts and the one about family and friends is presented as an external conflict , he doesn't have a conflict about killing or not but more about how true is that the ghost who wants him to kill is real, and he doesn't talk about a conflict with a priest specifically here.

The answer to question 12 is Hamlet reveals that he is thoughtful, confused, and indecisive. as it was mention in question 11 Hamlet suffers because of his constant hesitation and inner confusion about what side to take.  

The other options are not possible because the word sleep and dream are used as metaphors not with their real meaning in the context, it is showed that he is angry for many situations during the events so that can not be applied in here and he really takes into consideration what other people think or do causing him all his uncertainty.

The answer to question 13 is The line reveals that the speaker is confident in his opinions about mortality. This is precisely all that Hamlet is not, he is a character full of confusion and doubt.

The other options are actually part of the analysis of this specific line and are part of how the character expresses and what the writer wanted to project

The answer to question 14 is thoughtful. He analyses and thinks about both sides of all.  

The other options are not possible because if we could add other words to describe the tone that would be confused or despaired, the tone on anger or the accusatory one would show a different filling and have a calculated tone you need to have a character who is not conflicted by their ideas

The answer to question 15 is It mirrors the vast number of problems Hamlet is facing, like a list. This repetition shows how everything is hard for him right now and who it has become impossible to bear with all, and how he can no see a real solution for all.

The other options are not possible because Hamlet doesn't see his death as alarming, he doesn't even see it as an escape for his pain, it shows confusion coming from him but inside his thoughts, it makes a painful sensation, he is not sure at any moment about wats the right thing to do.

Based on this soliloquy from Hamlet, Act III, Scene i:

Question 11. Answer:

An internal conflict about whether to kill his stepfather or not.

Question 12. Answer:

Hamlet reveals that he is thoughtful, confused, and indecisive.

He can't still decide what he should do because he wants to revenge his father's death, but finds difficult to kill Claudio.

Question 13. Answer:

Shakespeare ponders life and death, a memorable topic.

He speaks his mind through Hamlet's character , he talks about one of the most tabú topics and generates all kinds of sensations.

Question 14. Answer:


His is still doubtful about what he should do.

Question 15. Answer:

It mirrors the vast number of problems Hamlet is facing, like a list.

These are his feelings, his doubts, it shows his insecurities. He is thinking out loud.

The auxiliary word which can be used only as a modal is (does, have, may)


The auxiliary word which can be used only as a modal is may. The correct option is c.

What are modals?

An auxiliary (helping) verb known as a modal expresses the following: ability, possibility, permission, or obligation. Modal phrases (or semi-modals), which combine auxiliary verbs and the preposition to, are used to express the same ideas as modals.

Modal verbs express potential, intention, capacity, or necessity. They are used with the main verb of the sentence because they are a type of auxiliary verb (helper verb). Examples that are frequently used are should and must.

Therefore, the correct option is c. may.

To learn more about modals, refer to the below link:


please, can you help me? I have to write in English.
thank you


I can't determine if it's French or Spanish.  Can you give me a little help?

Which best describes Toby's role on the plantation in The People Could Fly?He refuses to help other enslaved people escape.

He oversees enslaved people as they work.

He helps other enslaved people escape.

He gives other enslaved people magical powers.


The statement that most effectively recounts the role of Toby regarding the plantation in the text titled "The People Could Fly" would be:

C). He helps other enslaved people escape.

  • As per the question, the role of Toby is effectively demonstrated in the third statement that he assist the other slaves to flee from the place.
  • Initially, Toby behaves with the slaves as the ruler/superior but later on, it is revealed that he's there to help them escape this injustice and brutality.
  • He knew the art of flying from his ancestors which he teaches to the other slaves as well and eventually, this art helps the slaves to escape from the hands of plantation slaveowners.

Thus, option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Character" here:

He helps other enslaved people escape.


Toby in the beginning looks down on saves as someone who is above them. However, he comes from the enslaved people himself but had an ancestral ability to know how to fly.

He teaches this ability to his people and when many slaves collapse from the heat while working, he raises them magically.

When the plantation owners come to catch him, he flies away and helps other slaves fly away with him too. Thus, he is instrumental to their escape.

We opened the Greenville store on May 6. Since then, we have seen a steady increase in customer traffic. Efforts such as social media contestsand book readings led to the increase. There was a 9.5 percent rise in customer visits."
Our sales of nonfiction books were 5 percent higher. However, we offered discounts on nonfiction books. We also organized author readings. In
addition, we showcased certain books. In particular, we advertised books that have been made into movies or television shows.
What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
The store sponsored book readings.

B. The store prefers certain types of books.

C. The store advertised its books on television.

The store offered discounts on books.

E. The store increased sales of nonfiction books.​


The main message of the second passage is Nonfiction book sales rose at the shop. ​Thus, option (E) is correct.

What is paragraph?

A paragraph is the orderly organization of words, phrases, and sentences. It constantly arranges the text to provide a logical framework. The ruling concept and topic phrase, as well as supporting information, organizational patterns, and signal words, are all included. When writing a paragraph, all of these variables are taken into account.

In the above passage, the sale of the non-fiction books is increased by 5% by providing discounts over the nonfiction publications. Many of the books were highlighted to attract the customers. The nooks were also adapted into films or television series.

Therefore, it can be concluded that option is (E) correct.

Learn more about paragraph here:



