scientist generally agree that earth is getting warmer due to what's called the greenhouse effect. A greenhouse stays warm because sunlight and heat coming through the glass roof are mostly trapped. The heat doesn't radiate back into the atmosphere because it's held in by the glass. Something like that happens on earth. The atmosphere acts like a blanket that keeps the Sun's heat from leaking away into space. which sentence is the paragraph's topic


Answer 1
Answer: the topic sentence is 

Scientist generally agree that earth is getting warmer due to what's called the greenhouse effect

Related Questions

What are the implications of the opening sentence, “The year was 2081 and everyone was finally equal”? this is from Harrison Bergeron
Which of these shows correct parallel structure?Skipping, to dance, and to laugh are the little girls' favorite things. Skipping, dancing, and laughing are the little girls' favorite things. Skipping, dancing, and to laugh are the little girls' favorite things. Skipping, to dance, and laughter are the little girls' favorite things.
Read the excerpt from a sumimary of the contemporary novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. To help save the day, Harry must get past a scary three-headed dragon. in order to do this, he gets help from his friends Hermione and Ron. They all have become close friends during the course of the school year. After they solve this challenge, they move on to the next part of their plan.Which line from the summary best justifies the conclusion that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was influenced by Ancient Greek mythological literature? A) To help save the day, Harry must get past a scary three- headed guard dog. B) In order to do this, he gets help from his friends Hermione and Ron. C)They all have become close friends during the course of the school year. D)After they solve this challenge, they move on to the next part of their plan.​
What is referent power?
Why does the author list the “varying cast of characters” in the passage above?

Changing the sequence of events in a chronological essay uses the literary element ofA. flashback.
B. dramatic irony.
C. imagery.
D. allusion.


Changing the sequence of events in a chronological essay uses the literary element of flashback. 
Dramatic irony is when the readers/audience knows more than the characters do.
Imagery is images used to describe something.
Allusion is reference to something or somebody else, outside of the text.

Which verb is in the future progressive form? a. has been fishing
b. is mowing
c. will be trading
d. will have been diving


future progressive form is will be
so c.
Your answer is C. Will be trading. 

Previewing is a method used to A. review text for the central ideas. B. summarize an article's main concepts. C. pick up clues about written material. D. scan for specific details or information.


Previewing is a method used to pick up clues about written material. Previewing contains the prefix /pre-/ which means before. Readers do this so that they have a general idea of what they are reading before they actually read the article. During the previewing process, a reader will read the title, any headings or subheadings, look at any images within the text and their captions, as well as reading the a few sentences of the first paragraph.

Further Explanation

Previewing is an important step in the reading process. Many people do it subconsciously when they pick up a text and take a quick look to see whether or not it is worth their time to read. With novels, readers will often look at the cover, read the back, and maybe even a little of the first page to preview the novel.

Wrong Answers

Reviewing the text for central ideas is what a reader does after reading. Reviewing contains the prefix /re-/ which means to do something again. In this option, the reader already has read the reading material and is no longer looking for "clues".

Summarizing an article's main concept is also not done in the previewing stage. In order to summarize, the reader would need to have already read the text.

Scanning for specific details or information is a technique used when answering comprehension questions or collecting evidence from a text to support an argument. It is done after the text has already be read and not beforehand.

Answer Details

Subject: English

Level: High School

Chapter: Reading Strategies


previewing, reading strategies, summarizing

Learn More

Types of Reading Strategies:

Reading Functional Text

The third option is the best answer. Previewing is a method used to pick up clues about written material.  


Previewing is one required skill in reading. It is important to master previewing because it helps us to understand the whole reading. If we don’t master previewing, we will not be able to easily understand the texts or paragraphs we read.  

Previewing is a method used to pick up clues about written material. We look through the texts or paragraphs quickly in order finding its topic and its main idea before we read the whole text or paragraphs. Previewing gives us a general understanding of the reading where it is helpful when we read the whole text from beginning to end. When we preview, we predict what are the texts and paragraphs going to talk about.  

Here are the steps of previewing:

1. Reading the title and the subtitles of a text

2. Reading the first and last paragraphs where the key ideas are put.  

3. Seeing the pictures and photographs included in the texts.  


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

1. Planning a writing project involves determining?  

2. What is a good question for a writer to ask when analyzing an audience before writing?  

KEYWORDS: previewing is a method used to, previewing, previewing is used to, the purpose of previewing, steps of previewing  

Subject: English

Class: 10-12  

Sub-chapter: Previewing  

A supporting text may be



Supporting text give a reader details to understand a main idea, or evidence to show why a claim is true or correct. You will find supporting sentences in the middle of a paragraph – after the topic sentence, and before a concluding sentence or transition.

Choose the adjective clause that best completes the sentence below.The movie ________________________ was intriguing.
a. who we saw last month
c. that saw last month
b. that we saw last month
d. that we seeing last month


the answer is b: that we saw last month

Trayvon, Julie, and Caleb who are members of the drama club, are auditioning for the school musical on Wednesday.


If the question refers to where a comma should be placed, then the answer is after "Caleb."
The sentence should go like this:
Trayvon, Julie, and Caleb, who are members of the drama club, are auditioning for the school musical on Wednesday.


