Name two landlocked countries in south america


Answer 1

Answer: Bolivia and Paraguay


A landlocked country is a country surrounded by land or lacking access to the sea or the ocean, and in South America there are two countries that have this characteristic: Bolivia and Paraguay.

This is considered a geographical disadvantage, as these countries must incur higher transportation costs in import and export, compared to other countries in the region. In addition, this fact separates these countries from the wealth and commercial activities that occur on the sea coast, such as fishing and maritime trade.

It should be noted that Bolivia previously had coastline and access to the Pacific Ocean, but lost this privilege in the Pacific War, which confronted it, along with Peru, with Chile.

Answer 2


Bolivia and Paraguay.


Landlocked countries are countries that have no access to the sea. They are completely surrounded by the land (thus the name landlocked) of other countries.

In the case of South America:

Bolivia is surrounded by Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil.

Paraguay is surrounded by Bolivia, Argentina, and Brazil.

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The Rock Cycle. Arrows point from 1 stage to next. 1. Metamorphic Rock to point K to Magma to point V to Igneous Rock to Melting back to magma. 2. Metamorphic Rock to point K to Magma to point V to Igneous Rock to Heat and Pressure. 3. Metamorphic Rock to point K to Magma to point V to Igneous Rock to Weathering and Erosion to Sediment to Compacting and Cementing to Sedimentary Rock to Heat and Pressure to Metamorphic Rock. 4. From Sediment to Compacting and Cementing to Sedimentary Rock to Weathering and Erosion back to Sediment. 5. Metamorphic Rock to Weathering and Erosion to Sediment.Which event most likely occurs at point V?






Metamorphic Rock to point K to Magma to point V to Igneous Rock to Heat and Pressure.

Point V would be cooling,

In the rock cycle, one rock can turn into another rock. A metamorphic rock can turn into an igneous rock through 2 process, namely melting and cooling. If a metamorphic will undergo tremendous heat, it could melt into magma. If magma cools down it would turn into an igneous rock.

In summary:

Metamorphic rock→ melting (Point K)→magma→cooling (Point V)→Igneous Rock




Metamorphic Rock to point K to Magma to point V to Igneous Rock to Heat and Pressure.

Point V would be cooling,

In the rock cycle, one rock can turn into another rock. A metamorphic rock can turn into an igneous rock through 2 process, namely melting and cooling. If a metamorphic will undergo tremendous heat, it could melt into magma. If magma cools down it would turn into an igneous rock.

In summary:

Metamorphic rock→ melting (Point K)→magma→cooling (Point V)→Igneous Rock