Using the dictionary, match the roots, prefixes and suffixes to make a complete scientific or medical word. 1. cide 4 exo- 2. pepsia omni 3. -tomy duct 4. less dys- 5. ferous ana 6. dontia bio- 7. podian macro-


Answer 1


Anatomy is the science that studies the structure of living beings, that is, the shape, location, disposition and the relationship between the organs that compose them.


Exodontia is the part of oral surgery that deals with practicing the extraction of a tooth or portion of it.


Discomfort in the upper part of the abdomen that is described as a burning sensation, swelling or gassing.


Being that produces all kinds of offspring.


Something that does not have ducts.


Biocides can be synthetic or natural chemicals or microorganisms that are intended to destroy, counteract, neutralize, impede action or exercise other control over any organism considered harmful to men.


Macropodia is a genre of crabs.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The composition of scientific or medical words often involves roots, prefixes, and suffixes, most of which have Latin or Greek origins. These components refer to different elements of anatomy or physiology and can be combined to create specific terms relevant to these fields.


Scientific or medical words are often composed of roots, prefixes, and suffixes, mostly derived from Latin and Greek. These roots often refer to organs, tissues, or conditions, while the prefixes and suffixes describe the root. For instance:

  • 1. 'cide' is a suffix that means 'killer.' When paired with 'pesti-,' a root referring to pests, it forms 'pesticide,' a substance used to destroy pests.
  • 2. 'pepsia' is a root referring to digestion. Prefix 'dys-' meaning 'bad' or 'difficult,' forms 'dyspepsia,' which describes difficult digestion.
  • 3. '-tomy' is a suffix that denotes cutting or incision. When combined with 'ana-' meaning 'up,' it forms 'anatomy,' the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
  • 4. 'ferous' is a suffix meaning 'bearing' or 'carrying.' When used with 'conifer-', a prefix referring to cone-bearing trees, it forms 'coniferous.'
  • 5. 'dontia' refers to teeth. When joined with the prefix 'ortho-' meaning 'straight,' it forms 'orthodontia,' the branch of dentistry dealing with the prevention and correction of irregular teeth.
  • 6. 'podian' means 'foot.' By adding prefix 'gastro-' meaning 'stomach,' we get 'gastropodian,' referring to animals that crawl on their stomachs.

Learn more about Composition of Scientific Words here:


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The right answer is "good versus evil".

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The main conflict in Beowulf can be described as good versus evil. The epic poem revolves around the hero Beowulf's battles against various monstrous creatures. The correct option is option (2).

The epic poem revolves around the hero Beowulf's battles against various monstrous creatures, such as a dragon, Grendel, and Grendel's mother. The animals Beowulf fights against stand in for the forces of goodness, bravery, and heroism while representing chaos and evil.

The conflict between Beowulf and these antagonistic forces drives the narrative and explores themes of heroism, honor, and the struggle between light and darkness.

Therefore, the main conflict in Beowulf can be described as good versus evil. The epic poem revolves around the hero Beowulf's battles against various monstrous creatures. The correct option is option (2).

To know more about Beowulf:


Read this excerpt from “We Shall Overcome.”Hundreds of thousands of people sang them. But, sometimes, it was one lone person with a guitar. They sang in segregated bus stations, picket lines, freedom marches, concert stadiums, city squares, and videos. When injustice of oppression threatens, people sing protest songs to proclaim their resistance, publicize their cause, and encourage hope for a better future.
Based on this excerpt as an introductory paragraph, which of the following would you expect to read about in the article?

different groups of people who were oppressed

the ways that music brings diverse groups of people together

similarities between historical movements that provided rights for groups of people

different song styles throughout specific historical events


It's the second one. It shows hoe people sing protest songs to proclaim their resistance. That's the part that made me choose

B is the answer to your question

Select the answer choice that uses pronouns correctly. Every one of the pit crew members know how to change a tire.
Once a car runs out of gas it can no longer function.
Katrina will put on hers sweater because it's getting cold.
If a student doesn't eat breakfast they cannot do well at school.


The answer is B. Once a car runs out of gas it can no longer function.
The correct answer is the 2nd-Once a car runs out of gas,it can no longer function
In the 1st as every one is singular,the verb has to be 'knows'
In the 3rd,it is her sweater(possessive adjective)
In the 4th ,a student is singular,so the pronoun 'they 'doesn't combine. It has to be he or she

Which is one of the three key types of relationship? A. role models. B. romantic partners. C. acquaintances. D. neighbors


The correct answer is B. romantic partners.

The three key types of relationship are friends, family, and romantic partners. All the other choices namely, role models, acquaintances, and neighbors are not part of the key types of relationship. So the correct answer is B. romantic partners. I hope this answer helped you. 

The correct answer is b- romantic partners. I am a 100% sure because i just took the test.