Which of the following is not an aspect of material culture?A) folk songs
B) tools
C) furniture
D) musical instruments


Answer 1
Answer: folk songs is not a material 
Answer 2
Answer: the answer is b tools...

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What results when ideal standards violated according to Freud



Guilt results when ideal standards are violated. According to Freud, this a function of the superego.

The Psychology of Guilt. Blame can be depicted as a contention between the id, sense of self, and superego. These are ideas from the dad of brain research Sigmund Freud.

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Locke on Government & Man

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It is popularly believed that Patrick Henry, in his speech against the Stamp Act of 1765, implied that George IIIwould be assassinated, and then concluded with the phrase, "If this be treason, make the most of it." Four differing
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enchmen who was an eyewitness and described the event the same day; a letter printed in a London newspaper about six w
eeks later; a history of Virginia written in 1805; and a note written in 1817 by Thomas Jefferson.

Which of the following facts casts the greatest doubt on the accuracy of Jefferson's note confirming the concluding phrase of Henry's speech?
(A) Jefferson and Henry had each served as governor of Virginia.
(B) Jefferson was only twenty-two in 1765.
(C) Jefferson's note was written to a man who was writing a biography of Henry.
(D) Jefferson was not actually a member of the House of Burgesses in 1765.
(E) Jefferson's note was written fifty-two years after the speech was delivered.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "(C) Jefferson's note was written to a man who was writing a biography of Henry." The fact that casts the greatest doubt on the accuracy of Jefferson's note confirming the concluding phrase of Henry's speech is that Jefferson's note was written to a man who was writing a biography of Henry.

What is quality control and why is it necessary


Quality control is a process of making certain that every single product is identical...size, shape, color, packaging, weight, taste, etc..meeting pre-determined standards. It is necessary for the buyer to know that, for example, M&Ms purchased in Poland will not differ from those purchased in Alabama.

In French, the phrase "Haven't the police found you yet?" is written "La police, ne t'a pas encore trouvé?" Since French speakers arrange words differently than English speakers, the literal translation is "The police, not you have yet found?" In other words, French and English speakers use different rules, called _____, to govern word order.A) morphemes
B) phonemes
C) syntax
D) displacement


The answer would be C: Syntax