The visible spectrum of light isA) between 100 and 400 nm.
B) between 400 and 700 nm.
C) between 700 and 1,000 nm.
D) between 100 and 1,000 nm.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is B- between 400 and 700 nm

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b. establish more colonies in Latin America.
c. support England's attempt to keep its empire in Central America.
d. warn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America.


The answer is d. warn Europe against any further colonization in Latin America. At this point, the United States was now asserting its authority in the continent.  They believe that it was their destiny to settle within these territories and at that point, they were determined that Europe would no longer colonize anymore land in the Americas.

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c. receiving ambassadors.
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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "a. making the Louisiana Purchase." Adherence to a strict interpretation of the Constitution would have prevented President Thomas Jefferson from making the Louisiana Purchase.

Which constellation is also known as the northern cross?



Cygnus the Swan


Quick google search ;) hope this is what u wanted

Cygnus the Swan
Bottom line: The northern cross is an “asterism” or recognizable pattern of stars, part of the constellation Cygnus the swan.

When two neurons are activated at the same time, the connection between them will increase; this is calledA) parallel distributed processing.
B) semantic networking.
C) long-term potentiation.
D) the serial position effect.


When two neurons are activated at the same time, the connection between them will increase; this is called long-term potentiation. 

1. Define, as simply as you can, reinforcement and punishment.2. Explain how one might accomplish reinforcement and punishment through the use of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment. Include examples where appropriate.



1. Reinforcement and punishment are two separate things. Reinforcement is used to increase the tendency of a particular response, while on the other hand, punishment is used to decrease the tendency of a particular response.

2. To accomplish reinforcement, one may use positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the addition of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular response. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, the student gets to go to the ice cream shop. Negative reinforcement is a type of reinforcement in which the removal of an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus increases the tendency of a particular behavior. For example, when a student receives an A+ on a test, they no don't have to wash the dishes that night.

To accomplish punishment, one may use positive punishment or negative punishment. Positive punishment is a type of punishment in which an unwanted or unpleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response/behavior. For example, a teen stays out past curfew and now has to do extra chores. Negative punishment is a type of punishment in which the removal of a rewarding or pleasant stimulus decreases the tendency of a particular response. An example of this would be a child getting in trouble and having her favorite toy taken away.




1. Reinforcement is when you are rewarded for doing something right. Punishment is to teach you that you are not doing something right and you must learn from it.



Wind speeds increase higher up from the Earth's surface because A. the atmosphere is composed of heavier molecules at lower atmospheric levels.
B. the wind is augmented by the solar wind.
C. friction from landscape features doesn't slow them down.
D. oxygen levels are decreased, making air movement quicker.


Wind speeds increase higher up from the Earth's surface because C. friction from landscape features doesn't slow them down.

What is the Wind speed

Wind speeds get faster as you go higher up because there are less things in the way like trees, buildings, and hills. On the surface of the Earth, the wind gets slower because of the friction caused by the land and objects in the way.

As you go up in the air, the friction forces become less important, so the wind can move more easily and get faster at higher places. This is why you often experience stronger winds in places that are higher up, like mountain tops or in the upper part of the air.

Hence option c is correct.

Read more about Wind speed here:


C. friction from landscape features doesn't slow them down.