¿Cómo se dice "on foot" en español?


Answer 1
Answer: on foot en español se dice a pie
Answer 2

Answer:it is pie

Explanation:hope I helped

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Answer: answer would be hola

Explanation: Because hola in English means hello

Hola is the answer you got it

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c. va a la jineteada
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The correct answer is A. Voy a una jineteada.
Since you need to translate the word 'I' into Spanish, which is 'Yo,' you also need to use the appropriate verb form for that particular pronoun, which is voy, in this case. Vas is for you/tu, va is for he/she/it (el, ella, usted), and van is for they (ellos, ellas, ustedes). 

A. Voy a una jineteada.

Si voy todos los dias


Okay, pues cual es tu pregunta? Cuando la pongas te respondo con gusto :)

Answer: ¿vas a La escuela Durante le semana?


Please translate! (No online translators, please!)"Good! I need to buy clothes."
"I am looking for jeans, shoes, and a shirt."


Bien! Necesito comprar ropa.
Busco a unos pantalones, zapatos y una camisa.
Hope this helps.

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The answer is letter c
Nosotros LE decimos la hora a ellos. C is the answer