The most important lifestyle choice you can make to improve physical fitness is __________.


Answer 1

Is to be free from stress. Stress is the number one cause of disease and death.  There have been many people who have lived a long life even though they don’t eat healthy or exercise.  This is because they are free from stress and have peace of mind.  Bob Hope and George Burns are good examples of such people.

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The answer is letter A. 

Individuals should consume meats that are onlyabout the size of a deck of cards. This is the normal dietary recommendationsto ensure a healthy life. Individuals who tend to consume above normal servingsof protein might develop chronic diseases and complications in the body. Highconcentrations of protein within the internal system might cause some internalorgans (e.g. liver and kidney) to perform poorly. The kidneys will lose theability to filter waste products and the liver will have a hard time to producehormones that are necessary for the breakdown of protein molecules in the body.

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I know this is a late response, but it's "The thumbs are lateral, while the index fingers are more medial".


It depends on how the persons hand is really but the thumb is more outwards awhile the index is straighter meaning closer to the mid-line.

The thumbs and index fingers are lateral to the midline.

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That statement is false

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home canned foods have botulism

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Perform the indicated operation.
3.26 + (-4)


What you will do is to use the rule of P.M.D.A.S(Parenthesis, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction). This is abasic problem solving technique in computing long equations in math.  

Since youequation is 3.26 + (-4) you will first look at the signs with the parenthesis.When you multiply a positive sign with a negative sign the result will alwaysbe negative. Translating that into an equation it looks like this:

+(-4) = -4

Your newequation with the answer wouldthen be:
3.26 - 4 = -0.74