Why did some African Americans decide to fight in the Revolutionary War?


Answer 1

In the Revolutionary War, slave owners often let their slaves enlist in the war with promises of freedom, but many were put back into slavery after the conclusion of the war. In April 1775, at Lexington and Concord, blacks responded to the call and fought with Patriot forces.

Answer 2
Answer: Because they wanted to fight for their freedom, the British offered them if they fought in the war on the British side they would get freedom.

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The British were very angry because it was their imported tea. Hope it helped. :)

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i hope this help

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President Abraham Lincoln's Reconstruction plan was based on forgiveness and offered a quick and peaceful reunification of the North and South following the Civil War.


The Reconstruction plan that was based on forgiveness and offered a quick and peaceful reunification of the North and South following the Civil War was President Abraham Lincoln's plan. Lincoln's approach, often referred to as the "Ten Percent Plan" or "Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction," aimed to grant amnesty to most Confederate soldiers and officials who pledged loyalty to the Union and accepted the Emancipation Proclamation. It was intended to facilitate the Southern states' relatively swift return to the Union and promote national healing.

Which theory suggested that cities grow in a circular fashion?A. peripheral model
B. multiple nuclei model
C. sector model
D. concentric zone model


Concentric zone model theory suggested that cities grow in a circular fashion.

Answer: Option D


First model that explained the inner structure of social setting in urban area arranged in a circular or series of rings is the concentric zone model. This model essentially proposes that the growth of the city starts from the centre and slowly it starts growing outwards in series of concentric circles or rings.  

This model has been criticised on the ground that it doesn’t apply universally rather it is more restricted to the cities in U.S. Even the new cities which are growing currently are not growing in accordance with this model.


Sector model theory suggested that cities grow in a circular fashion

Thus Option D is the right answer.


Concentric Circle growth model is first envisaged by Ernest Burgess who specifies that urban settlements of Chicago are based on this pattern. It starts with the central commercial region in the mid of the city.

Workers and employees who can afford their own transportation and rent are settled around the business hub. The second zone consists of offices and factories, industrial warehouses and transportation hub.

Third zone comprises of the typical residential houses. Mostly working class resides in this third zone. Fourth zone is also another residential area for elite and white collar job holders.