What private service may occur on a web server?A. anonymous user’s browser requesting a web page

B. Database administrator accessing the web server

C. Malicious user accessing the web server

D. The server processing transaction details


Answer 1

I believe the answer is D

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How to change the frequency on rc boats


Well I found this online if thats ok..
Purchase a crystal set from a hobby shop online or locally. Make sure that the crystal set is a matched pair with a crystal for both the transmitter and the receiver, and that it is usable by your particular transmitter and receiver system.Open your RC vehicle to access the remote control receiver. You can open most vehicles by removing a set of clips that hold the vehicle body to the chassis. Some will require you to unscrew the body first before removing it. A Phillips head screwdriver is usually required.Locate and remove the current frequency crystal from the receiver, slipping it out of the receiver housing. The crystal should have a tab attached to a small metal body which plugs into the receiver via two small prongs. Pull it gently from the housing so as not to break a prong.Place the new crystal into the receiver, plugging it into the two small holes. The proper crystal in the pair should be labeled with an "Rx", to note that it is the receiver crystal. Replace the car body.Remove the case from your RC radio transmitter, using the screwdriver.Locate and remove the current frequency crystal from the transmitter.Place the new crystal, labeled with a "Tx" for transmitter crystal, into the transmitter. Replace the transmitter case.
Credit: eHow

A ____________ is a set of commands which can be run by calling it by name. (Phyton)


A function: is a set of commands which can be run by calling it by name.

In Computer programming, a function refers to a group of organized, reusable set of commands (code) that are used to instruct a computer to perform a specific task i.e a single but related action.

Generally, a function receives or accepts data as an input, processes the data and then returns a single result or a set of results as the case may be.

Additionally, the name and arguments contained in a function must always be specified by a function. This makes it possible for a function to be run by a program by calling its name.

Read more: brainly.com/question/23838498

people in wheelchairs find it difficult to pick up thing they dropped on the floor which tool can help


somthing similar to a litter picker?
The generic Pick Up Tool is what you are looking for. You can get them a lot of different places.
I hope this helps!

3. The following code will not display the results expected by the programmer. Canyou find the error?

Declare Real lowest, highest, average

Display "Enter the lowest score."
Input lowest

Display "Enter the highest score."
Input highest

Set average = low + high / 2
Display "The average is ", average, "."



ion k


Hello,I have to build a program using assembly with Mars system.

The program is supposed to return a hailstone Sequence

A)- get user input (integer) - N

B) check if even or odd

- if the input is even, the next number should N/2

- if the user's input (N*3)+1

C) reproduce the operation on the next number until the number is equal to 1

D) display the sequence

E) count and display the number of iterartion

I have the user input done, and then, I tried to do a bitwise operation using AND to see if the number is even or not but the program doesn't work after the user's input, as i have an output equal to zero

can you help me please?

here is my code so far


prompt: .asciiz "enter an integer:"
message1: .asciiz "you entered an even number"
message2: .asciiz "you entered an odd number"
message3: .asciiz "and the next numbers should be:"
gototheline: .asciiz "\n"
message4: .asciiz "you just entered the number:"


#print the prompt
li $v0,4
la $a0,prompt

#get the user's input
li $v0,5

#store the input'svalue
move $t3, $v0

#display the user's input message
li $v0,4
la $a0,message4

#go to the line
li $v0,4
la $a0,gototheline

#print value entered by user
li $v0,1
move $a0, $t3

#go to the line
li $v0,4
la $a0,gototheline

#bitwise operation on the input
and $a0,$0,1

#call odd function if number is odd
beq $a0,1,ifodd

#print next number message
li $v0, 4

#go to the line
li $v0,4
la $a0,gototheline

#print result
li $v0,1
addi $a0,$v1,0

li $v0,10

#print message if even
la $a1,message1

#call the function operation even to do math on the number entered by user
jal operationeven

#print message if odd
la $a2,message2

#call method to do math on the number entered by user
jal operationodd

#if even N/2
div $v1,$t3,2 # return value on $v1

jr $ra #go back to the main


#multiply by 3
mul $t1,$t3,3

#add 1 to the result of the multiplication
add $v1, $t1,1 #return value on $v1

jr $ra #go back to the main


I think you should get used input

When writing a personal narrative, what point of Veiw would be best to use


First person point of view
First person point and view is your answer