Which appeal did Kennedy not use to evoke pathos in his audience during his inaugural address?


Answer 1

Kennedy was appealing to the emotion of the crowd.  He specifically was calling on their pride and patriotism to serve their country.  He was telling them not for their country to do something for them but for them to act and contribute to the betterment of their country.

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not good


very short

I would like to think that it is very very interesting

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b. Clinical trial
c. Case control
d. Epidemiological


A) Double blind is the research study set up so that neither subjects nor investigators know which is the active group and which is receiving a placebo. 
The best answer to the question above would be letter a. A type of research study set up so that neither subjects nor investigators know which is the active group and which is receiving a placebo is a double blind type of research method.

Read the excerpt below from the poem “I Knew a Woman” by Theodore Roethke and answer the question that follows.Let seed be grass, and grass turn into hay:
I’m martyr to a motion not my own;
What’s freedom for? To know eternity.
I swear she cast a shadow white as stone.
But who would count eternity in days?
These old bones live to learn her wanton ways:
(I measure time by how a body sways).

Source: Roethke, Theodore. “I Knew a Woman.” The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke. New York: Random House Inc., 1961. Poetry Foundation. Web. 9 June 2011.

Which excerpt is a simile that indicates a thoughtful mood?

“Let seed be grass, and grass turn into hay:”
“(I measure time by how a body sways).”
“These old bones live to learn her wanton ways:”
“I swear she cast a shadow white as stone.”


I think the answer is the last line which is "I swear she cast a shadow as white as stone.". When you say simile, you are comparing two different things. It can be easily seen with the use of preposition like "as" and "like". In this excerpt, you are comparing the white shadow and stone, which are two different things. You can also see the preposition "as" in between the two objects.

Answer:" I swear she cast a shadow as white as stone"


Readers must consider ________ to determine the central idea in an informational text.


Readers must learn how to consider and understand the topic and the supporting details found within an informational text, such as an article for them to be able to grasp the central idea of the informational text. Reading and understanding are skills to be used in such situations.

The topic and supporting details!

The back yard was covered in the late afternoon sunlight the leaves danced in the trees


I don't know what the question is but I think that it may refer to the figurative language used in the above sentence.

The figurative language used in the above sentence that I recognize is PERSONIFICATION.

Personification is giving human characteristics or traits to an inanimate object, animals, or ideas.

The human trait given is found in the word DANCED. It was given to the inanimate object, LEAVES.

What was one sign of the 1970 intensification of the antiwar movement?a) students were not allowed outsitde
b) schools were forced to close
c) the families of student leaders were arrested
d) educators involved in the movement lost their jobs


B. Schools were forced to close.

During the 1970 intensification of the antiwar movement, protests and student strikes were rampant across college campuses. A majority of the members of the antiwar movement were college age. Because of this, college and university campuses were often the centers of protests and strikes. Student attendance for classes was low because of their involvement in the antiwar movement. Universities and colleges were also concerned about safety especially after the Kent State massacre.


  B) Schools were forced to close.


  The antiwar movement began in the mid-1960s and lasted until 1971 against the presence of United States troops in Vietnam.

  By the year 1970, President Richard Nixon announced the expansion of the war into Cambodia. This produced an intensification of the antiwar movement, especially in the universities, high schools and college campuses. More than 450 of these were shut by students strikes who carried violent and non-violent protests. On Kent University 4 students were killed by the National Guard.

  It was known as the National Student Strike and it was the only in U.S. history.

  I hope this answer helps you.