Treadmiling contributes to actin based motility


Answer 1

La actina es una familia de proteínas globulares que forman los microfilamentos, uno de los tres componentes fundamentales del citoesqueleto de las células de los organismos eucariotas (también denominados eucariontes). Puede encontrarse comomonómero en forma libre, denominada actina G, o como parte de polímeros lineales denominados microfilamentos o actina F, que son esenciales para funciones celulares tan importantes como la movilidad y la contracción de la célula durante la división celular.

De la importancia capital de la actina da cuenta el hecho de que en el contenido proteico de una célula supone siempre un elevado porcentaje y que su secuencia está muy conservada, es decir, que ha cambiado muy poco a lo largo de la evolución.2 3Por ambas razones se puede decir que su estructura ha sido optimizada. Sobre ésta se pueden destacar dos rasgos peculiares: es una enzima que hidroliza ATP, la "moneda universal de la energía" de los procesos biológicos, haciéndolo muy lentamente. Pero al mismo tiempo necesita de esa molécula para mantener su integridad estructural. Adquiere su forma eficaz en un proceso de plegamiento casi dedicado. Además es la que establece más interacciones con otras proteínas de cuantas se conocen, lo que le permite desempeñar las más variadas funciones que alcanzan a casi todos los aspectos de la vida celular. La miosina es un ejemplo de proteína que une actina. Otro ejemplo es la vilina, que puede entrelazar la actina en haces o bien cortar los filamentos de actina, dependiendo de la concentración de catión calcio en su entorno.4

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the number of protons in an atom



Answer:the number of electrons in an atom the number of neutrons in an atom the number of protons in an atom the number of bonds in an atom


A lifeguard who is out of work in the winter is A) frictionally unemployed. B) structurally unemployed. C) cyclically unemployed. D) seasonally unemployed.



D) seasonally unemployed.


A lifeguard who is out of work in the winter is considered seasonally unemployed. Seasonal unemployment refers to a type of unemployment that occurs during specific seasons or times of the year when certain industries or jobs experience a temporary decrease in demand. In this case, the demand for lifeguards typically decreases during the winter months when outdoor swimming activities decrease due to colder weather. Therefore, the lifeguard's unemployment is a result of a seasonal pattern rather than being unemployed due to factors such as lack of skills or available jobs (structural unemployment), fluctuations in the business cycle (cyclical unemployment), or transitional periods between jobs (frictional unemployment).

Students are each given a 20 gram sample of an unknown solid compound in a clear plastic bag. They are instructed to break the material into smaller parts by gently hitting it with a hammer. Some of the parts break into large chunks and some look like a fine powder. Which statement correctly describes these broken pieces of the sample? The pieces of fine powder are individual atoms The larger pieces are still compounds and the smaller pieces are elements. Each piece contains the same number of atoms. Each piece contains the same proportion of different elements.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "Each piece contains the same number of atoms." The statement that correctly describes these broken pieces of the sample is that each piece contains the same number of atoms.

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fossil records <--- thats what i think

radiometric dating


geologic time scale


Answer:  B.  radiometric dating

Radiometric dating is an aging process which is used to age rocks and other objects associated with them. This is based upon the decay process of radioactive isotopes present in the rocks. The radioactive decay is the process in which an unstable  nucleus loses it's energy in the form of emerging radiation. The age of the typical rock is determined by the half life of the decayed products.

B. Radiometric dating. A method to determine absolute age.

Advantages of being an extremophile


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B) Golgi bodies
C) mitochondria
D) endoplasmic reticulum



The correct answer would be B) Golgi bodies

Golgi body is a cell organelle made up of vesicles and folded membranes.

It is mainly associated with the storage, modification, and packaging of macromolecules such as proteins and fats.

Macromolecules with the help of vesicles are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to cis-Golgi bodies.  

They are then modified in the folded membranes of the Golgi.

Post-modification they are transported to the different parts of the cell with the help of vesicles.

Golgi bodies are responsible for modifying, sorting and packaging proteins and lipids.
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