Credible sources should explicitly identify the purpose or intent of the information included in a source.


Answer 1
Answer: Yes, I think that identifying the purpose would increase the credibility of the source, so if we understand the "should" here as "would be good if, is recommended" - then this statement is true.

Including the intent of the information in the source will help place the information in a wider context - and often the context is necessary to fully understand the content of a source.
Answer 2

The correct answer is true.

It is true that credible sources should explicitly identify the purpose or intent of the information included in a source.

Otherwise, researchers or journalists would question the authenticity of the source. When doing research, it is very important to have enough credible sources to support the arguments of our work. So researchers need to double-check the validity of the information, make comparisons if necessary, that can prove the data included in the research is correct.

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